In case you missed it because it was buried in late Friday news, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has begun a preliminary…
West Point cadets and Naval Academy midshipmen accused of flashing a “white power”-linked hand sign on television last week were instead playing a popular prank among teenagers known as the “circle game,” military officials said Friday.
Pennsylvania is one of the key battleground states in the 2020 presidential elections, and with legal changes that ...
by Gabe Kaminsky, Photo via Twitter Democratic “Squad” Rep. Ayanna Pressley has spent thousands more on private security with taxpayer dollars despite
Government officials have been charged in the Flint water scandal. It’s a good start. More civil “servants” should be held responsible for the messes government causes.
No thanks to our European "allies."

/r/trump banned?

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Imgur: The magic of the Internet
The Georgia Secretary of State's office has opened an investigation into the handling of drop box ballots last November in one of the state's Democratic
“We found missing, incomplete, or inaccurate first and last names, [dates of birth], travel document numbers, travel document types, and visa data,” read the report.
Ted Cruz suggests Donald Trump is betraying the American people before he's even won the nomination.
On Thursday, after news broke that President Trump had pardoned Dinesh D’Souza for his campaign finance violations, the New York Attorney General’s office immediately tweeted out that they’d like to pass a state law to unjustifiably jail those who had been pardoned for federal crimes.
Pro-“sanctuary state” California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) has come under fire from left-wing immigrant rights groups for “choosing to work with ICE.” “It’s deeply disappointing that the governor is choosing to work with ICE,” said Asian Law Caucus attorney Anoop Prasad, as reported by The Los Angeles Times. Newsom’s “deeply disappointing” actions, according to Prasad […]
On Monday, a report was issued indicating that among 353 U.S. counties, 1.8 million more voters might have been registered than eligible voting-age
The United States Senate passed on Thursday a continuing resolution in order to continue funding the government until December 3. The final vote tally was 65 in favor and 35 against. The move comes a...
VIDEO: Students Beat Young Girl In Gym Class For Refusing To Help Them Cheat
.12/30/2019 4:56:53AM EST.
The group will "stop the tires" on Wednesday to show their fracking ban concerns.
The largest health system in Louisiana will start fining employees hundreds of dollars a month if they are married to an unvaccinated person.
According to the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, the woman’s attacker, Qyreek Singletary, has spent the last 90 days undergoing competency rehabilitation to determine if he could become mentally competent to stand trial.
A permit is required before students can talk about Jesus at North Carolina State University, according to a lawsuit filed in federal court.
A Jewish Israeli teen was attacked by several Arab Muslims on the Berlin subway for listening to Hebrew-language musician Omer Adam.
The Supreme Court struck down the citizenship question, not because of leftist arguments, but because of the administration’s repeated own goals.
What are they going to do? Hate him?