Jim Acosta, CNN's chief White House correspondent, went after Fox News on Sunday during an interview with Brian Stelter on CNN's "Reliable Sources." The comments came during a discussion about criticism Acosta receives for shouting questions at President Donald Trump. Later during the interview, Stelter asked Acosta about his motivation for yelling questions at Trump. What did he say? According to Acosta, Fox News and conservative media attack him for doing his job because they no longer have Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton to disparage. "To some extent, the president and Fox News doesn't have Barack Obama around anymore, they don't have Hillary Clinton," Acosta claimed. "We’ve sort of replaced Obama and Hillary." "They need somebody to attack and I think that we’ve sort of filled that role. Part of the issue is that I think, you know, instead of wanting to focus on the president’s behavior, they’d rather focus on our reporting on the ?
On Friday's broadcast of MSNBC's "The Beat," Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, who will be part of President Trump's impeachment legal team, argued | Clips On Friday's broadcast of MSNBC's "The Beat," Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, who will be part of President Trump's impeachment legal team, argued that "abuse of power, even if proved, is not an impeachable offense."
The King County City Council voted to approve a new criminal justice program that puts the power of sentencing in the hands of community members.
Former Vice President Mike Pence is weighing in on a pending case before the Supreme Court on the right of a public school teacher to pray.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was not so warmly received when she made a surprise guest appearance at the Global Citizen’s music festival.
Barack Obama does it again. The jackass apologized for American actions in World War II and ignored the evils of ...
A rare parchment copy of the American Declaration of Independence has been found at a British archive among the papers of an aristocrat who supported the rebels, officials have said.
Future House colleagues Marjorie Taylor Greene and Ilhan Omar duked it out on Twitter Friday after Republican Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler tweeted about Omar.
Colin Powell's death conveniently puts new rules in play.

American Stasi

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

Do you get mail? Of course, you do. You have a mailbox for your house, apartment, or condo, or you have a post office box. Everybody gets mail. But does everybody get their mail monitored? Well, if yo...
Pollsters are predicting a big win for Hillary Clinton in Virginia following the entry of third-party presidential candidate Gary Johnson. According to a new
German government fear this is the story that will bring them down.
One of the most important goals of the Constitutional Convention was to establish a strong chief executive who would nonetheless not be a king. Nowhere is that balance between concentrated power and republican restraint on government more exposed than in...
"A slight drop in turkey production, paired with issues like climate change and labor shortages could gobble up more of your cash this holiday season."
Mandela Barnes thinks police should be stripped of resources that help keep you safe but uses your tax dollars for his own personal safety.
Leaders who should know better have fallen in line behind him.
The operation in Deh Bala, on the border with Pakistan, began in April and was largely complete by June. It involved bout 600 American Green Berets and three Afghan commando units.
We even have a recorded confession from the former Vice President himself. 
Lawmakers, cybersecurity officials, and expert panelists warned the public years ago of the vulnerabilities of America's election infrastructure, ...
Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-IN), who was born in the Soviet Union, grilled U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland on Thursday over the actions that the FBI is
The expanding millennial population with hectic lifestyles and busy work schedules and the growing consumer expenditure capacities on personal hygiene items are primarily driving the wet wipes market. Additionally, the widespread product adoption, owing to its various associated benefits, including low cost, enhanced convenience, optimal performance, ease of use, etc., is further catalyzing the market growth.

Monty Python-Bring out your dead!

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

"I'm not dead yet!"
Dr. Farley, Philadelphia's health commissioner, is a dangerous hack. He is not fit to lead us throught this pandemic, since he's enabling it.