U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz lit into Democrats for messaging that conflicts with the reality the rest of us see, More specifically, the Fort Walton Beach
This piece is co-published with investigative reporting outlet Capital & Main.
Joe Biden himself faces legal jeopardy
The Sacramento region will become the third of five regions in California to trigger a stay-at-home order.
The COP26 summit on climate change in Glasgow left the Duchess of Cornwall focusing on one type of natural gas in particular, as Joe Biden let rip with an "impossible to ignore" fart
The expanding aerospace and defense sectors, which have fueled the demand for wireless sensors in order to ensure the safety of vehicles and crew during extreme weather conditions, are primarily driving the growth of the GCC wireless sensors market.
'Firing 21-year FBI veteran Peter Strzok'
The hypocrisy is stunning. The inspector general’s report says former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe lied at least four times, three times under oath. But McCabe skates and Roger Stone is in prison — put there by a jury headed...
MSNBC contributor Donny Deutsch on Thursday's broadcast of "Deadline," declared that the supporters of President Donald Trump were "50 million jerks" who do not care about Americans dying in the pandemic. | Clips
A massive “Let’s Go Brandon” banner was flown over a Georgia Bulldogs and Missouri Tigers college football game.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) fined a global manufacturer $777.78 million Tuesday morning after they pled guilty to one count of conspiring to provide

Becoming American – Kate Paulk

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Becoming American ? Kate Paulk What feels like an eternity ago I started a journey that has involved a lot of money, multiple panic attacks, quite a lot doubt, and at least one complete meltd…
Senator Rand Paul believes that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange should be given immunity in exchange for him testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee. Speaking to the Gateway Pundit, Senator Paul asserted that Assange likely has important information about the hack and that it?s unlikely he would agree to testify without immunity. “I think that he ?
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic
The Biden administration is considering paying illegal migrants who were separated from their families.
The number one concern of voters heading into the midterms is rising costs, but Biden addressed this poorly on Sunday.
As Chicago braces for another weekend of violence, Mayor Rahm Emanuel is once again coming under fire for blaming the rise in criminal activity on a lack of morals in predominantly black and Hispanic neighborhoods.
It is ironic that former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg is presenting himself as the balanced alternative to extreme socialists like Senator Bernie Sanders. In reality, when it comes to areas of great concern to Christian conservatives, Bloomberg has been anything but moderate.
A national security briefing for Americans.
Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri said Monday that he will not support Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky for a leadership position after the election.
WASHINGTON — Donald Trump on Sunday admitted he considered becoming George H.W. Bush’s running mate, but denied it was ever his idea. The potential Bush-Trump ticket was first revealed in a new bio…

Don't Tread on the Net

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Killing net neutrality will silence conservative voices online. Protect free speech on the internet. Support the CRA resolution to stop FCC bureaucrats from killing net neutrality.
Bernie Sanders' immigration platform demonstrates how he would reverse the outcome of the Mexican–American War within a single year.