COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) — Billionaire industrialist Charles Koch warned Sunday that Trump administration trade policies could trigger a recession. The conservat
The coronavirus crisis threatens to rattle China’s authoritarian apparatus
A group of U.S. states led by New York is reportedly investigating Facebook Inc for possible antitrust violations and is planning to file a lawsuit next week against the tech giant, Reuters reportedThis will be the second major lawsuit filed against a big tech company this year. We reported in October that the U.S Justice Department filed a lawsuit against Google over antitrust violations, alleging that Google abused its dominance in online search and advertising to stifle competition and harm consumers.

Global Green Up Slows Warming

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

Scientists say the world would be even warmer if not for a surge in plant growth.
Sounds like the FBI may let Hillary skate by, luckily they stopped those evil kids from downloading music though.
Paul Manafort, Rick Gates Mueller’s prosecutors sent shockwaves through the Alexandria, VA courtroom Wednesday morning when they admitted Manafort’s former business associate Rick Gates may not testify. Rick Gates previously pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with Mueller; he was even referred to as the Special Counsel’s ‘star witness.’ Judge T.S. Ellis blasted Uso Asonye, …
We shouldn’t tune out the warnings about Social Security and Medicare.
Hospitals kept ICU beds empty because it was 'more lucrative' than treating patients, says MP
The instant meme is not exactly a new low in American politics, as progressives would have you believe.
The widespread product adoption as a promotional tool for various retail stores and brands as they print their brand name is primarily driving the plastic bag market. Additionally, the growing consumer awareness towards hygiene and cleanliness of the environment and enhanced waste processing methods are further catalyzing the market growth.
The Republican-controlled Senate failed Wednesday to advance efforts to change federal immigration law -- including one to cut funding to so-called sanctuary cities.
Turkey’s desire to acquire the F-35 and the S-400 has set off alarm bells.
This week, House Democrats will reportedly pass a measure to lift the 1982 deadline on a feminist amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
President-elect Joe Biden proudly has announced that his White House senior communications team will be “filled entirely by women.”
A city councilman faces federal charges for behavior that’s become all too common.
While American schools retain a dominant presence in a new ranking of the highest-ranking universities, Chinese universities are becoming more prevalent

What's wrong with equality?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The New Criterion, now edited by Roger Kimball, was founded in 1982 by the art critic Hilton Kramer and the pianist and music critic Samuel Lipman. A monthly review of the arts and intellectual life, The New Criterion has emerged as America's foremost voice of critical dissent.
Biden skipped past dismal NH numbers to take his fight to familiar territory
'Politics is downstream from culture and maybe culture is downstream from our universities,' RealClearEducation's Nathan Harden said. 
Flunks in his handling of the pandemic, economy, and immigration.
It's going to lead absolutely nowhere, but since when has that mattered?
CBS Dismisses ‘Innocent’ Meeting Between AG Lynch and Bill Clinton Connect with me on twitter at: @Mcbogsterss https://twitter.com/Mcbogsterss
Doctor: "Gang members are getting better at using knives to torture people, and are making sure to stab victims in the groin and neck to cause max damage."
Behind a significant portion of voting machines used in the United States lies a complex web of questionable ...
The U.S. economy added back 531,000 jobs in October as hiring strengthened while the latest Covid wave receded. The unemployment