Every day we are faced with more far-left wing insanity. The left is slowly regressing into a deeper and darker hole. the rules that govern the left have become some contrived and contradictory that the left ends up eating itself. The far left is built upon ideological warfare against our current capitalist societal model. Why […]
It is "extremely unlikely" the coronavirus leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, W.H.O. investigators said as they wrapped up their visit to...
Former President Donald Trump accused his successor of trying to “deflect the incompetent job he is doing” by focusing America’s attention on the anniversary of the Capitol riot.
Politicians in the West like to throw out big, bold numbers when predicting the switch-over to 100% electric vehicles. 2050! 2040! 2035!
In this episode I address the scandalous connections between the players in the Uranium One scandal and the recent actions by the Mueller witch-hunt team. This show ties it all together, please don’t miss it.
What comes from the Flynn story will blow the minds of the Leftists who fervently supported Barack Obama. Explosions forthcoming...
Army Sgts. 1st Class Javier Gutierrez and Antonio Rodriguez were the last Americans to die in battle in Afghanistan.
Have we mentioned how much we adore Winsome Sears? Because we ADORE Winsome Sears.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the federal government is working on closing the irregular border crossing at Roxham Road by renegotiating the Safe Third Country Agreement with the United States — but the American ambassador to Canada says changing the deal wouldn't address the problem.
'Is a beast born almost entirely from Facebook'
Fox News' Tucker Carlson followed up on his Tuesday commentary looking at the evidence in the Tara Reade sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden, saying there are "troubling inconsistenc
The Biden administration isn't saying if it supports mandatory coronavirus testing for migrants entering the country, dodging the issue after Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., called out the risks of allowing migrants into the U.S. who haven't been tested or vaccinated. In a letter,...
As problems spiral on many fronts, the president seems overwhelmed, if not befuddled. This is not what he promised for America in 2020
With Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis widely expected to announce his candidacy for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination in the near future, the Biden administration has become increasingly fixated on...
The week after this election, senior editor of Think Progress Ned Resnikoff penned a screed online about his unfortunate experiences with his neighborhood plumber. Here’s the harrowing story, as quoted by roving journalist Michael Tracey: What in the ever-loving hell is this? These are the people running the Liberal Establishment. #Resist pic.twitter.com/UZUp8wHeiA
New court filings Friday dealing with former Trump attorney Michael Cohen and campaign chairman Paul Manafort fail to prove Trump-Russia collusion to elect Trump president.
GRAND RAPIDS, MI—Training night and day in an abandoned strip mall complex, a conservative militia group has been preparing for societal collapse by training as hairstylists, nail technicians, and cosmetologists, sources confirmed Wednesday. “When the shit hits the fan, we’ll be the ones who are ready to take care of ourselves with the latest hair colors, nail applications, and specialized skin-care treatments,” militia member Wayne Donnell, 54, said as he drilled a group of children, some as young as 7, in the basics of administering a seaweed body wrap. “We’re actively recruiting tanning bed operators to join the fight, and we’re stockpiling styling gel so we’ll have something to barter after the dollar flatlines. Of course, we also have a bunker full of diesel generators, which are crucial if you want to be able to operate hair dryers and curling irons off the grid. I’d advise others to do likewise. If you and every member of your family can’t at least execute a decent mani-pedi, then brother, there ain’t gonna be much hope for you under the New World Order.” Donnell went on to state that those who failed to prepare for the fall of society had better not come crying to him when they needed a Brazilian blowout.
Commentary As the mother of a 17-year-old in a deep blue state, I am often asked questions about ...
Biden's secretary of state has released his Spotify playlist and its invitations to weakness are many.
He said Canada should welcome members of the 1.7 million Chinese diaspora who want to run for public office.
The chickens are coming home to roost. President Trump, who is in the midst of a White House staff shake-up, should root out those who betrayed him in the Kavanaugh matter.
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It is early, far below the traditional threshold of 100 days. Still, watching the major missteps of the Biden administration reminds that even presidents don’t get a second chance to make a first i…
Rep. Jody Hice, R-Ga., said on Tuesday that President Biden pushing a radical plan to overhaul elections is nothing but a "power grab."