We must learn from our mistakes.
The increasing consumer inclination towards newer chocolate variants fortified with additional flavors represents one of the key factors driving the chocolate market.
There is only proper — only one patriotic — response to reliable reports of foreign election interference, but Trudeau did the opposite
(If you’ve found a spelling or transcription error, please notify us anonymously by selecting the misspelled text and then pressing Ctrl+Enter. Thank you!) Related posts: We Remade the Middle East – It’s Much Worse Now Than Before Refugee Crisis – …

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President Donald Trump greeted U.S. troops at an armed forces base in Germany after making an unannounced visit to U.S. soldiers stationed in Iraq, his first presidential visit to service members in a troubled region.
Stacey Abrams’s foremost political achievement is making her Georgia gubernatorial loss into a cause célèbre among Democrats.
Is President Joe Biden prepared to preside over the worst U. S.

Cato's Letters

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

The First Amendment drew language from Cato's Letters, which endorsed free speech and said that people must be able to "petition for redress" their government.
Democrats revealed their clear disregard for free speech in the second hearing of the Select Weaponization Committee.
"This is why Trump won (re-election)." A self described "grassroots Resistance organization" was criticized Wednesday by fellow liberal Nate Silver for...
The Trump administration is awarding a 4-year contract to a pharmaceutical company to make COVID-19 drugs in the U.S.
A one-size-fits-all federal wage would severely increase these economic problems for wide swaths of rural America and states with low costs of living.
President Biden was widely criticized after evoking Jim Crow in tweet on election legislation.
After one of its top staffers was arrested for involvement in a domestic terrorist attack, Rep, Matt Gaetz wants the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) put under the investigative microscope.  Specifically, Gaetz, a Fort Walton Beach Republican who sits on the House Judiciary Committee,…
Seven years and 500,000 dead Syrians later, it is Obama, Sarkozy and Cameron who are gone. Assad still rules in Damascus, and the 2,000 Americans in Syria are coming home. Soon, says President Donald Trump.
Watch: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Csq01vyP61dP/ These videos were initially posted to his YouTube channel here but have been deleted: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5txct3xHK1eHXN4OJymLZA/videos Somehow his channel is still up. It seems that beating on helpless older people you are supposed to be caring and posting videos to YouTube isn’t against any YouTube policy. But they will delete your channel for expressing […]
Government facilities that host unaccompanied migrant children are rapidly reaching capacity due to COVID-19 operational restrictions.
CNN is really having themselves a week. You have Don Lemon’s unhinged rant against the unvaccinated who are not really the problem anymore since both vaccinated and unvaccinated can both
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has suggested taxing the rich as much as 70 percent to fund a sweeping economic and energy reform plan called the “Green New Deal.”
Thursday on Fox News Channel's "Tucker Carlson Tonight," host Tucker Carlson opened his program offering a skeptical take on lockdowns initiated around the country in response to the coronavirus pandemic. | Clips
Ahigh school student was attacked for choosing Candace Owens as a “Black Trailblazer” for a Black History Month presentation. 
Brett Bruen, director of global engagement in the Obama administration, lashed out after Biden nominated prominent Democratic donor Jane Hartley to serve as US ambassador to the UK.

CSPAN on Twitter

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

“.@SenatorTimScott reads tweets criticizing his endorsement of Sen. Jeff Sessions: "I left out all the ones that use the n-word." https://t.co/AhTnGaUyiz”