Syndicated Analytics latest report titled “Nail Polish Manufacturing Plant Project Report: Industry Trends, Manufacturing Process, Plant Setup, Machinery, Raw Materials, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue 2021-2026” covers all the aspects including industry performance, key success and risk factors, manufacturing requirement...
A UN rep tells the World Economic Forum (WEF), "We own the science, and we think that the world should know it," during a panel on disinformation.

Vanessa Berben, My #WalkAway Story

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

I’ve been so inspired by the #WalkAway campaign that I'm getting over my fear and adding my voice. (www.2fingersberben.com) It’s such a shame what’s happenin...
U.S.—Farmers have long been looked down upon by coastal elites, and now the farmers are finally getting their revenge: the "redneck hicks" all around the country have announced they will not be shipping the ingredients needed to make avocado toast to major liberal cities like New York and Los Angeles."Until further notice, you'll have …
Politicians and petty czars have canceled Thanksgiving across the nation.  What have government health departments offered in lieu of a family gathering? Endless idiotic advice for “safe sex” during COVID. The Vermont Department of Health captured the ethos of many health departments across the nation: “Decisions about sex and sexuality…
American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten shared an article that claimed parents do not have a right to shape what their children learn in school.
Fox's Family Guy took a cheap shot at Trump voters last night in a scene that

Is Trump Losing the GOP?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Never before have so many leading Republican figures questioned the nominee’s basic fitness for office.
Nassau County Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder said on “Fox & Friends” on Thursday that “everybody is frustrated” with New York’s newly enacted bail reform law.
The New York Times was widely criticized for its tweet about the assassination of Iran’s top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, leading critics to wonder if the paper of record had
Facebook appeared to censor a meme that placed blame for high gas prices on President Joe Biden, citing a USA Today fact-check to justify the censorship.
A Texas woman has been accused of offering a Honduran migrant a ride before snatching her baby and then holding him for ransom for five months, a recently unsealed federal complaint says.
Thousands of Puerto Ricans are fleeing the island after suffering a series of dangerous earthquakes since the end of last year. That’s while much of the U.S. territory still is working to recover from the devastation left by Hurricane Maria. Now many Puerto Ricans are relocating to Florida where they’ll be able to use their …
Semi-official Fars claims operation to kill Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was conducted in three minutes with no human operatives on the ground
The Racine Sheriff’s Office announced on Thursday they will hold a hearing on Thursday at 11 AM at the Sheriff’s substation. Sheriff Christopher Schmaling promised to unveil the results of an extensive investigation with implications throughout Racine County and Wisconsin. The Racine Sheriff’s Office made the announcement Wednesday on their Facebook page. The Gateway Pundit...
The inflating need for optimizing transportation management, minimizing operational costs, improving revenue, etc., is primarily driving the railway management system market. Additionally, the growing levels of urbanization, the development of smart cities, and the expanding working population are further propelling the market growth.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

“Tariffs are the greatest! Either a country which has treated the United States unfairly on Trade negotiates a fair deal, or it gets hit with Tariffs. It’s as simple as that - and everybody’s talking! Remember, we are the “piggy bank” that’s being robbed. All will be Great!”
Recent polls indicate that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is overtaking former Vice President Joe Biden as the Democratic frontrunner in the upcoming presidential election.
An old COVID-19 variant called A.30—which is exceedingly rare—“efficiently evades” antibodies induced by the Pfizer-BioNTech and AstraZeneca vaccines, ...
One in five dollars paid out by unemployment departments in four states was paid to fraudsters, according to a new report released by the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Inspector General.
Half are anxious about a Clinton presidency; some with reservations about Trump say they will vote for him anyway.
My first every episode. I am hoping to make this into a series that is either everyday or every other. I am going to do something like a 3 issues under 3 mins.
Wednesday, Vice President Mike Pence deemed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) actions at President Donald Trump's State of the Union Address a "new low" for her. | Clips
I'd prefer the latter.