They’re coming for your guns. Democrats have long wanted to take away guns from Americans, and two candidates for president are making no bones about their plans. Billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who has a mini-army of bodyguards around him whenever he moves, says guns aren’t for “average” people. “You just do not want the average American …
A Department of Justice official, who was responsible for investigating elections crimes, abruptly resigned after getting instructions to review evidence when it exists of those offenses in the 2020 presidential race.
A proposed bill in Washington, D.C. would automatically send mail-in ballots to residents eligible to vote, even if they aren't registered.

Ted Cruz for President

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

As a conservative who believes in individual responsibility, limited government, free markets, caution in making social changes, and a robust foreign policy, all my adult life I have been a Republican and (with the single exception of an eccentric race for attorney general in Philadelphia, when the Democrat was tougher than the Republican) I always vote Republican. But the Republican presidential primary of 2016 is unlike any other because the most popular candidate — Donald J. Trump – not only ignores conservative values but, to put it delicately, lacks the knowledge, experience, dignity, and character to serve as president of the United States. In this spirit, along with 120 others, I signed a Mar. 2 “Open Letter on Donald Trump from GOP National Security Leaders” that asserted we “commit ourselves to working energetically to prevent the election of someone so utterly unfitted to the office.” I wrote an article for the Philadelphia Inquirer titled “There’s a Name for Trump’s Brand of Politics: Neo-fascism.” I regularly tweet with the #NeverTrump hashtag. Opposing Trump goes without saying; but whom to support? (To be clear, we are talking about my personal support, unconnected to the non-profit I head.) Other than Trump, I could have endorsed any of the original 17 Republicans (yes, even Chris Christie). But because the field was so large and confused (remember when Scott Walker led the pack?), I hung back, waiting for the emergence of a clear alternative to Trump. Senator Cruz clearly became that alternative when Marco Rubio withdrew. I’ve met Cruz a few times and was impressed by him. More importantly, I admire his emphasis on following the Constitution and controlling government spending. I have closely followed his positions in my two bailiwicks, the Middle East and Islamism, where he has shown bold consistency. Examples: Stating that he would tear up the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Tehran (a.k.a. the Iran deal) on his first day as president. Showing a principled and possibly unparalleled support for Israel. (For example, recall the time he walked off the stage when heckled by Middle Eastern Christians.) Standing up against the acceptance of large numbers of insufficiently vetted Syrian refugees into the United States. Specifying that what too many other politicians euphemize as terrorism and violent extremism has an Islamic component? Calling to “empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized.” This is a particularly delicate topic; his bold stance, then not backing down under a barrage of criticism shows unusual resolve and courage. Therefore, I say: Ted Cruz for president.
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As vice president, Joe Biden made foreign political decisions that helped terrorist leader Quasem Soleimani form an Iranian-friendly government in Iraq.
Italians in areas designated as coronavirus lockdown "red zones" could face as many as six years in prison if they violate quarantine.
Syndicated Analytics latest report titled Methyl Chloride Production Cost Analysis 2022 2027 Capital Investment Manufacturing Process Raw Materials Operating Cost Industry Trends and Revenue Statistics covers all the requisite aspects that one needs to know while making a foray into ...
Facebook blacklists conservative news outlets and trending topics it doesn't like, according to former workers.
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Attorney Alan Dershowitz, the outspoken Democrat who defended President Trump during the Senate impeachment trial, predicts that the president will
A judge ruled that the Kansas City mayor and the city council violated law when attempting to defund the Kansas City Police earlier in 2021.
The 50 new arrivals on Martha's Vineyard are being deported to the Joint Base Cape Cod located on mainland Massachusetts.
The american people need to realize that Donald J. Trump is our last hope, he is the only person who is capable of saving america, and the western world as a...
Melania Trump?s statement on the separation of families at the border prompted Kathy Griffin to unleash a despicable attack against the first lady. The issue of separating children from parents at the U.S. border who illegally attempt to enter the country has become a contentious point of debate recently and Trump?s remarks about balancing law and ?heart? ?
The actress used her Golden Globes acceptance speech to defend abortion in euphemistic terms.
Several thousand supporters of President Donald Trump in Washington protested election results and then hailed Trump's passing motorcade before nighttime clashes with ...
The group's leader warned that the migrants will come with or without the consent of governments standing in their way.
The liberal media isn't going to like what the Venezuelan group said about Ron DeSantis...
A Wyoming man threatened with $16 million in fines over the building of a stock pond on private property reached a settlement Monday with the Environment Protection Agency -- allowing him to keep the pond without a federal permit or hefty fine.
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KANEGASAKI—An exciting new model of Toyota’s popular Prius hybrid vehicle will eliminate all turn signals and replace them with a large virtue signal, the automaker announced Friday.The car will feature a lighted signal spanning the rear of the trunk, which will flash several messages when activated. The base model simply says "BETTER THA …
I'll tell this story again, but I will make it brief.  One Sunday night last January, I received a p
When governments assume that people will panic, that exacerbates the pandemic.