Left-wing Hollywood stars are rushing to help Democrats end the Senate filibuster rule after the Democrat-backed H.R. 1, or the "For the People" Act, failed to pass Congress.
What do you do when your every institution has been weaponized against you? What do you do when there is a two-tier, no-justice system?
On MSNBC Live with Thomas Roberts Monday afternoon, environmental reporter Tony Dokoupil described the Environmental Protection Agency causing three million gallons of toxic waste to spill into a Colorado river as “good intentions leading to a bad outcome.” He explained: “This mine has been leaking sludge for a long time and EPA was on the scene in hopes of cleaning it up.”
A poll conducted by JMC Analytics finds that Roy Moore is ahead in the Alabama special election by five percentage points. According to the poll, Moore holds a 48–43 lead. The previous JMC Analytics poll had Democratic candidate Doug Jones up by a margin of 46–42. Based on the change, the group concludes that “partisan preferences have reasserted themselves” and that the “sexual misconduct allegations against Moore have not materially impacted the race.” 29 percent of those surveyed say the allegations make them more likely to vote for Moore, a reminder of the power of partisanship. Other polls tell a similar story ...
Democratic presidential candidate Bill de Blasio on Thursday rolled out a tax plan that would substantially increase taxes on wealthy individuals and corporations, one day after he spoke about his desire to raise taxes during a primary debate.
Republican Rep. Andy Biggs (Ariz.) is urging people to "unmask" and fight back against restrictions imposed in response to the coronavirus pandemic, arguing the policies are "oppressive" and have been worse than the disease itself. 
New Jersey is a deep blue state. It’s run by Democrats. It’s a sanctuary for illegals and yet they still find time to complain about stuff. Gov. Phil Murphy decided
President Joe Biden has unveiled a three-part plan to fight inflation — or at least make people think he is fighting inflation. One part of the plan involves having government agencies “fix” the supply chain problems that have led to shortages of numerous products.
Ambassador Michael McFaul with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya at a hearing in Washington DC after her meeting with Donald Trump Jr. in New York City. Deep State operatives and the liberal media have tried desperately to link the Trump campaign to Russia. Yet it was Obama campaign officials who were meeting with the Russians — …
“From 2010 through 2018, U.S. Soccer paid our women $34.1 million in salaries and game bonuses and we paid our men $26.4 million.”
Jon discusses the events of September 11, 2001, and shares his thoughts on New York City's future.
Arizona election audit spokesman Randy Pullen said the state senate will subpoena the routers and passwords that are still being withheld by election officials. He announced the state's plans to issue the subpoena on Wednesday while noting it has been difficult to complete the audit without information on the routers and passwords.
The House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riots told reporters that they wanted viewers to be outraged about the incident going into 2024, Politico reported Thursday. The committee wants information presented to the public to stir outrage and make people believe that the events on Jan. 6, 2021, …
Blackwater founder Erik Prince, a former CIA paramilitary officer, and Oliver North want to make 80s-style covert action great again.
War with Iran is the mother of all wars, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Tuesday in a speech broadcast live on state TV, warning once again that shipping might not be safe in the Strait of…
The fools at the UN have blamed just about all of us for the pandemic: first they said the culprit was capitalism, then climate change, now the patriarchy.
Dr. Robert Malone, who identifies himself as a pioneer of mRNA vaccines, said that LinkedIn recently deleted his ...
A CNN legal analyst took aim at Thursday evening’s hearing held by the Jan. 6 Select Committee, calling it “one-sided.” “A prosecutor has to prove the
For the Record - Democrats Do Not Think This is a Human Being. Democrats have a radical position on abortion. Why doesn't the media mention that?
A first-term Democratic congressman accused of sexual harassment said that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi knew about the allegations while he was running for office and supported him anyway, putti
The El Paso and Dayton mass murderers reflect a modern epidemic of online self-obsession.
NASCAR driver Mike Wallace was suspended indefinitely for a social media post that violated NASCAR’s conduct guidelines, according to Fox Sports. He must attend sensitivity training [re-education camp like in China] after NASCAR claims that he violated Sections 12.1; 12.8; 12.8.1.e of the rule book. Only then will he be considered for reinstatement. The rule […]
Philip Kennicott, a Pulitzer Prize winner, argued in an essay Saturday that the monument represented 'unfulfilled promises'.
Food prices in the U.S. may get worse in the coming months as European Union countries predict a dismal wheat harvest on top of the loss in Ukraine’s
The Knoxville branch of the public university sent a memo from a gay right official (pictured) round to its members filled with unusual new parts of speech to avoid referring to anybody's gender.