Contra the alt-right, the liberty movement can build an electoral coalition from the center outward. There is something for everybody, and a coherent guiding principle that ties it all together.
From the Clinton-generated Steele Dossier to the Mueller Report, to the most recent and increasingly strident screams of racism, the far-left is running out of cards to play against a remarkably resilient and successful Trump presidency as more and more Americans wake up and realize how many anti-Trump lies the media and Democrats have attempted …
The Trump administration is looking to expand a ban on global health aid for foreign organizations that provide or promote abortions.
The future of the Republican party is the same as the future of the Democratic party. That is because the parties are not two things
Many members of the Democratic Party are quietly hoping President Joe Biden doesn't run again in 2024, according to an article from The New York Times.
Get ready, folks. There are going to be a lot of stories like this over the next few months. Lila Perry is a teenage boy at Hillsboro High School in Missouri. Apparently, he was a gay male until about ninth grade, at which point he decided he was...
CNN has quietly walked back more of their "bombshell" reporting on the Trump-Russia collusion narrative, and this time it's a story relating to Attorney General Jeff Sessions' security clearance forms
In particular, Thiel said he is most concerned about Google’s sharing of its artificial intelligence.

Next Year in Jerusalem?

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas says he will no longer accept a role for the United States in the ongoing Arab–Israeli peace negotiations, which have produced little in the way of negotiation and nothing in the way of meaningful peace. If President Abbas desires to end diplomatic relations with the United States, the United States should think seriously about obliging him. When the Trump administration announced plans to comply with longstanding U.S. law and move — someday — the U.S ...
The city council in Vermont’s largest city has voted to oppose the basing of the F-35 fighter jets at the Burlington International Airport.
Joe Biden traveled to Florida on Tuesday to pander to the Latino community as he loses support from Hispanic voters. Biden traveled to Kissimmee after holding a disaster roundtable event with veterans in Tampa. Ricky Martin and Eva Longoria were at the Kissimmee event desperately trying to help Biden connect to the Latino community as…
“When we Black Americans see this flag we know the person flying it is not safe to be around."
Nancy Pelosi’s Jan. 6 show trial has had its arresting moments, as you might expect from a made-for-TV drama produced by a former ABC News president.
The 69th East LA Mexican Independence Day Parade & Festival will be held Sunday, with Los Angeles Galaxy forward Giovani dos Santos as the grand marshal.
Another member of the Congressional Black Caucus has been accused of sexual harassment, Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA).
Democrats scoffed at charges of ‘election rigging’ until they needed an excuse for Hillary Clinton’s unexpected defeat.
Over the weekend, Gov. Jay Inslee brought honey crisp apples from his orchard to eastern Washington.
Most police departments—including Washington, D.C.’s Metropolitan Police—are required to release an officer’s name within days of a fatal ...
Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate conference will hold China, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Kingdom, and the European Union to discuss climate change.
Asner and Weinberger are not really investigating history, but trying to rewrite it ...
WASHINGTON, DC—According to sources within the federal government, God has filed a petition demanding the United States remove the phrase "In God We Trust" from all of its currency.Sources confirm the petition lists several reasons for the request, including American culture’s rejection of Biblical values, abandoning prayer in school …
FBI Director Christopher Wray described antifa as "a real thing" during a hearing Thursday on Capitol Hill, noting that the bureau has open cases against individuals who self-identify as anti-fascist activists.