It's looking like Biden's divisive speech was a dud with independents and swing voters.
If either California or New York is curious to know what might happen in their states over the next several years, they need only turn their attention to Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands.
Of all the stunningly awful attempts to explain away the reasons why the 2016 US Presidential election did not produce the result that the elites wanted, perhaps the worst – and certainly one of the most persistent – has been the claim that Donald J. Trump is a would-be Hitler leading his Nazi followers to power. Almost two years after Trump’s victory, plans have now been announced to once again adapt Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four to the screen but this time with “Trump hanging over it.” So as well as being the embodiment of evil, does President Trump also have an Orwellian Big Brother stranglehold on the media? Let us look at some facts. Of America’s Top 100 newspapers, only two endorsed Trump in 2016. Since January 2017, Trump has not polled higher than 50% with any of the major polling outlets. Major award ceremonies now seem dedicated to venting celebrity hate with the President as Emmanuel Goldstein. At the same time academics (who, remember, tend to be Democrats rather than Republicans at ratios as high ?
Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard spoke candidly on Saturday about her controversial decision to vote "present" during last week's formal impeachment vote, adding she feared the impeachment of President Donald Trump would only "embolden" him and increase his chance for reelection. "
House Democrats are scrambling to figure out why they underperformed Joe Biden.
"Perhaps Mr. Walsh can explain what refusing to pass a gargantuan spending bill has to do with Trump."
A Saturday Washington Post column condemned the portrayal of Queen Elizabeth II as a "dedicated" symbol of "decorum," claiming it masks the horrors of British rule.
Is Bill Clinton the only one who doesn’t realize he needs to join the #MeToo reckoning?
Religious conservatives are afraid of Democrats stripping them of all their religious liberties — because the left has been chipping away at them for years.
The White House Office of Management and Budget has instructed federal agencies to prepare a budget for President Donald Trump's second term.
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie hasn’t won much favor with the Republican Party lately. For whatever reason, be it bitterness for not being given a cabinet position in the Trump administra...
Duncan is the only Republican currently serving in Congress to have voted against the Iraq War.
Government documents were leaked to the press. A reporter’s communications were seized by the government without her knowing about it. And a former Senate aide was charged with “lying repeatedly to investigators about his contacts with three reporters.”
Britain and France urge deescalation after US strike on Iranian general; Moscow blasts 'adventurist step,' praises Quds Force chief's 'devotion' to Iran's national interests
President Donald Trump's support among Jewish voters increased, and many are crediting it to his strong record on Israel.
A study published in late August found that 345 people in England died of myocarditis in one year, ...
Iraq’s Parliament called for the expulsion of U.S. troops from the country Sunday in reaction to the American drone attack that killed Gen. Qassem Soleimani.
The man alleged to have rammed his car into a police station before lighting the road outside on fire had been hit with a £10,000 virus fine.
Sodium cyanide (NaCN) refers to an inorganic compound that appears as a white crystalline solid or powder. It is usually produced by reacting hydrogen cyanide with sodium hydroxide. Sodium cyanide is a highly toxic chemical asphyxiant with a mild almond-like odor and soluble in water, ethanol, ammonia, methanol, etc.
Katie Pavlich to Dem Pundit: ‘You’re not entitled to seeing intelligence … people like you don’t believe in it’
On Friday, Georgia GOP incumbent senator David Perdue, who is facing a run-off against Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff in early January even though he
Timothy George Simpkins, who attends Timberview High School, posted $75,000 bond at Tarrant County Jail on Thursday and headed to home confinement.