They don’t like the idea of Martha's Vineyard’s newest residents any more than Democrat mayors like Eric Adams of New York
ST. LOUIS (AP) — The Missouri town thrust into the spotlight after the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown could face eventual dissolution unless serious financial threats can be resolved,...
Joe Biden has an 'Office of the President-Elect' sign at his speeches. It's not an official federal office, but it is an informal one.
About 170 ferry crossings were canceled system-wide Friday, and it comes after days of disruptions for Washington State Ferries.
The Biden White House and Congressional Democrats are falsely claiming that the IRS would perform “no new audits” on anybody making under $400,000 per year under their proposal to spend $80 billion to supersize the IRS.   But when Senate Democrats had the opportunity to vote for an amendment that would’ve guaranteed the IRS couldn’t use […]
U.S.—In 1996, the Tickle-Me-Elmo doll was released, quickly selling out and becoming the toy sensation of the year. The giggling plush’s popularity led to riots, international counterfeit toy rings, and five civil wars in Eastern Europe. This year, the hottest stuffed toy of the ’90s is back, with some slight changes: The familiar ear-pi …
Confronted with a shrunken majority, House leaders are discouraging fellow Democrats from taking jobs with the incoming Biden administration — out of concern that Republicans could nab any va…
By opposing a $3.5 trillion spending spree, Senator Manchin is reflecting the will of American voters. Why aren’t more of his colleagues joining him?
The expanding food processing sector is one of the primary factors driving the onion powder market. Besides this, onions are seasonal and cannot be stored under ordinary conditions, making dehydration an economical and effective technique for preserving them during seasons of abundance and using them during off-seasons.
We?ve all heard about the war on women. It?s a staple talking point of Hillary Clinton?s presidential campaign. But what about what might equally be called the war on young men? H…
Support My Work - https://www.timcast.com/donate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdSYa00A4ng Buy stuff from me http://www.teespring.com/stores/timcast Become...
Why an old line of attack found new success in 2020.
Have we missed the mark this entire time by not considering that the swampy bureaucracy running the “Biden Harris Show” actually views Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris as nothing more than actors?
"DHS is leading the charge among federal agencies to transition its fleet vehicles from internal combustion engines to zero-emission electric vehicles."
Today the Supreme Court decided that the government cannot force pro-life organizations to advertise abortion.
Commentary The news of whom the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court has just appointed to oversee FBI ...
Vogue Magazine’s latest issue features Harry Styles in a dress. The lengthy profile of Styles has many more photos of the man in an array of skirts,
Walgreens announced it is closing 5 stores in San Francisco amid widespread mass thefts; Victor Davis Hanson reacts.
A recent Morning Consult / Politico national tracking poll indicated that a significant percentage of ethnically-Hispanic American voters think Republican governors' relocation of illegal aliens to Democrat-controlled cities is appropriate. This may prove to be another sign that a significant voting...
No one recognized the man who presided over the Democrats' impeachment inquiry for three months last fall.
In affidavits, GOP canvass board members claim they were bullied and say there are too many irregularities in Detroit vote to justify accepting election results.
On Saturday's edition of Newsmax TV's "The Count," Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow, author of Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption, said Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was absurdly "indignant" that people thinking someone in charge of running a government agency shouldn't be taking two months off during a crisis. | Politics

We are in a New Cold War with China

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

While Western businesses continue to cosy up to China, and the foreign policy establishment prefers to look away than meet the threat, China has been consoli...
Despite documented and totally foreseen failures in New York’s bail reform law – including the death of an innocent person due to the actions of one of the released criminals – Democrat politicians in the state don’t appear ready to make changes that would fix the law. The New York Post reported that “Department of […]
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo blasted law enforcement for not wearing masks and for refusing to enforce the state’s 10-person cap on private gatherings. 