A California judge issued a preliminary injunction against the 'misinformation' law, as five doctors challenge the law and claim it violates First Amendment.
The Trump administration sought Friday to alleviate fears about the availability of mass testing for the coronavirus, with Vice President Mike Pence telling reporters that states "have enough tests to implement the criteria of phase one" of the White House plan to reopen the economy "if they choose to do so."
The Alphabet unit is pushing forward with its plan to remove a widely used tracking technology from its Chrome web browser, despite complaints from rivals that rely on it to target ads at individuals.
Politco published a heavily criticized report alleging Vice President Kamala Harris is the victim of a coordinated attack.
The release of San Francisco police body-cam footage of the hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, husband of former Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, almost raises more questions than it answers.  And one of those questions is: Why was NBC reporter Miguel Almaguer punished for apparently…
Nearly all Senate Republicans voted to endorse the idea that impeachment proceedings against former President Donald Trump are unconstitutional, a blow to Democrats’ hopes of recruiting significant GOP support for conviction in the trial.
The jury has returned its verdict.
A New York Post columnist is advising parents to reevaluate their priorities after a Pew survey found parents emphasized kids' future financial independence over their future marriages and families."This is a giant mistake," Markowicz said in her column.Nearly nine in ten respondents said it was eit...
He starts petty fights on Twitter, he's cool with Putin, and when he takes the oath of office President Donald J. Trump will assume control of the most advanced internet surveillance system the world knows about.
Tuesday’s elections were not a killer blow, to be sure, but they will have immediate consequences for Trump and his Presidency.
Florida Republicans are urging the Miami Herald to take action against metro columnist Fabiola Santiago, who tweeted on Sunday that Florida residents packing beaches “should work nicely to thin the ranks” of supporters of President Donald Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis. | Media
Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the far-right Proud Boys group, was an informer for federal and local law enforcement, helping them prosecute more than a dozen people in cases that involved drugs, gambling, and human smuggling, according to a Tuesday report.
Old School Journalism You Can Count On
If Tuesday night can be considered the first real fruits of the Resistance, they’ve still got some work to do.
"There's no legitimate reason for reopening the state except for politics, and I think it's deeply disingenuous he would pretend otherwise," she said of the governor's decision.
President Joe Biden’s nominee to head the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice has repeatedly posted misinformation online about the death
Will three vaccine shots be enough to stop the omicron variant?
The People's Republic of China has confirmed ownership of the suspected spy balloon floating over the Northern United States first seen on Thursday.
Bolton is a top contender for the Secretary of State in the Trump administration.
Maybe Samantha should leave Twitter to the rest of us.
A report from the NYT about a top vaccine expert at Health and Human Services who claims he was fired for opposing hydroxychloroquine has quickly fallen apart.
WASHINGTON, DC - In a development no one saw coming, Dr. Anthony Fauci has again changed his recommendation about what to do with masks by consulting his tested and proven 'Wheel of SCIENCE.''Now I know it confuses people when the science changes so quickly, as if we are just making all this up as we go along,' explained Dr. Fauci fro ...
The CDC cut the recommended isolation time for people with COVID-19 from 10 days to five days on Monday amid a surge in omicron cases nationwide.
The rising utilization of rice husks in the production of high-quality silica is primarily driving the rice husk market across the globe. In addition to this, the low manufacturing cost of rice husk and the easy availability of raw materials are further bolstering the market growth. Moreover, the increasing usage of rice husk as an agricultural waste to prepare compost and incorporate it into the soil, which improves nutrient recycling and maintains soil fertility, is creating a positive outlook for the global market.