'I can't comment on that'
The Department of Health is providing the names and addresses of Tennessee residents who test positive for COVID-19 to sheriffs and chiefs of police across the state on a daily basis — a practice raising concerns about privacy.
Pelosi photo credit: Seth Wenig / AP We reported last month that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi had instituted a fine of up to $10K dollars for House Members
For nine consecutive years, and perhaps longer, the federal government released a report detailing how many illegal immigrants were caught and removed
The New College of Florida Board of Trustees on Tuesday is slated to consider policy changes related to diversity, equity and inclusion during its first meeting with interim President Richard Corcoran. The board will consider four overarching proposals: “abolish DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) bureaucracies,”…
Even as it grapples with violent demonstrations over living costs, the French government is hunkering down for a “Black Tuesday” of protests by high-school students who have jumped onto the Yellow Vest bandwagon.
Consent of the governed is what allows leftist tyranny in this crisis.
On his last day in office, President Trump pardoned a slew of recidivist, unrepentant career-criminal rappers, the most famous among...
Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration on Tuesday argued that a Massachusetts federal judge should toss out a potential class-action lawsuit filed after Florida flew 49 migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard in September. In a 92-page court document, attorneys for DeSantis, other state officials and the…
The goal of the liberals — properly defined — has been to fight what Macaulay called "the all-devouring state" — the nightmare that haunted Burke no less than Tocqueville and Herbert Spencer.
WASHINGTON — In an unprecedented public revelation, Deep State leaders announced plans to honor essential COVID-19 crisis actors with chemtrail flyovers throughout the month of May. 'It is the least we can do for these heroes pretending to put their lives on the line so that the New World Order can flourish,' hissed Deep State spokes-reptoid Ellen Degeneres. According to the message shrieked in unison from billions of bird drones across the United States earlier today, decoy military and commercial jets will begin spewing chemical and biological agents over Washington D.C.'s Comet Ping Pong pizzeria and end up overflying a
US - Across the nation, millions of Americans have demanded more impeachment trials of former President Donald Trump. They hope that in doing so Congress will come to a complete standstill and stay out of everyone’s lives. 'Sure it might seem like a huge waste of time and taxpayer dollars - which it definitely is - but it&rsquo ...
Virginia's attorney general has received many reports that Inova Health System reneged on religious exemptions from its vaccine mandate.
On Friday, former New Jersey Governor and McDonald’s manservant Chris Christie announced that he would not accept the job of chief of staff in the Trump White House, apparently throwing the pro
As the country begins returning to normality from today, so too does the drama of Westminster. Yesterday afternoon, outrage erupted in the Conservative par
White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Tuesday said gun control is a "priority" for President Biden – and said he is "not afraid of standing up" to the National Rifle Association.
The president and the health establishment, along with the news media, have a trust problem according to a new poll.
Nina Jankowicz is back. After a public outcry forced the Biden Administration to kill its infamous Disinformation Government Board, Jankowicz became famous or infamous as the head of the board. She…
Melissa Harris-Perry Apologizes For Mocking Romney's Black Grandchild MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry is taking back the jokes she made after Mitt Romney sha...
"At the end of the day we don’t want to shut down the government," Sanders said.
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer appeared on The View Wednesday for a mostly easy interview full of softballs from the sympathetic liberal hosts, mostly about her response to COVID-19. It seemed the interview was just another opportunity for Whitmer to bash critics of her lockdown policies as violent racists. In fact, Meghan McCain was the only host to push back on the Democrat’s hateful rhetoric.
President Biden said Tuesday he won’t take executive action to cancel $50,000 worth of student debt per borrower but suggested he would consider doing so for a lesser amount.
The teachers unions are unreformable, but they can be disempowered.
”In a statement the Capitol police suggest that one of the officers with Chansley was trying to “de-escalate” the situation because he was outnumbered. But that does not explain why Chansley, who w…