The Human Rights Campaign is asking Joe Biden to pull the accreditation of Christian colleges and schools if they don't have a policy prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
You’ve probably known someone in your life who was simply full of it, right? A friend of a friend or acquaintance who lied constantly, burning a lot of calories trying
If You Don't Want To Get Nuked Don't Bomb Pearl Harbor
Congress has subpoenaed embattled, anti-Trump FBI official Peter Strzok to appear before a public hearing next week.
This sham impeachment is an assault on the democratic norms of our great republic. The GOP must crush it.
U.S.—An American firearms manufacturer is making waves after unveiling a brand new AR-15 that glows blue whenever libs are nearby. Constructed with ancient elven technology from the forgotten land of Gondolin, this semi-automatic rifle will pulse with an ethereal blue light whenever it detects a democrat within a 100-yard radius." …
Kaylee Greenlee  The Biden administration is reportedly flying migrant minors to New York state from Texas, the New York Post reported on Tuesday. The
Remember how the President of the United States declared anyone who disagrees with him an extremist threat to the nation, then used his DOJ to go after anyone who might cry foul?
What’s next for the GOP nominee? Donald Trump joins Hannity to discuss his plans, potential VP picks and taking on the Democrats. ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――...
Scott Pruitt resigned as EPA chief Thursday after White House Chief of Staff John Kelly delivered a message from the president that it was time for the scandal-plagued administrator to leave, according to two people familiar with the situation.
Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) is suing former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (D) for calling her a "Russian asset" and refusing to apologize.
A video showing left-wing protesters attacking a right-wing activist spread across social media after the "Million MAGA March" in Washington DC. But did it tell the whole story?
Amazing what propaganda combined with a lack of knowledge can do
This afternoon, Governor Ron DeSantis issued updates on Hurricane Ian at the State Emergency Operations Center with Florida Division of Emergency
When she ran six years ago, Ellmers joined the bus tour hosted by the Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity that traveled the country railing against Obamacare. Now, AFP and other conservative groups are trying to oust her on Tuesday.
President Trump on Tuesday pardoned the father and son from Oregon whose imprisonment for setting fires on federal land sparked a 41-day long takeover of a wildlife refuge in the state.
The Former President is fixated on "truth"—something that mattered very little to him during his presidency.
The US economy is careening into another recession, two noted economists warn, as worries about the labor market and the coronavirus have worsened dramatically over the past two months. The alarm b…
If Democrats could pull off a Utah upset, it would have profound consequences for the control of the Senate — and the rest of the country.
A team of experts begins restoring the ancient tomb in Jerusalem where Christians believe Jesus was buried, in the first such works for 200 years.
On Thursday the House Oversight Committee and House Judiciary Committee held a joint hearing with former top FBI invesigator Peter Strzok. The hearing quickly devolved into chaos as contentious as FBI agent Peter Strzok refused to answer his first question on how many interviews he held before the bogus investigation of the Trump campaign colluding …
Just the latest out of Virginia
An opinion column published in the University of Virginia student newspaper calls on fellow students to "stand up" to their "racist" family members at Thanksgiving dinner this year. One undergraduate student at the university argued that the column's author has a "white savior complex."