The fentanyl seized near Kearney, Nebraska is estimated to be worth $20 million and could have killed over 26 million people.
Sen. Ted Cruz blasted the $1.4 trillion spending bill that passed the House and Senate and was signed into law by Trump on Friday.
WASHINGTON DC—Presidential nominee Joe Biden has defended the vast number of illegal votes being uncovered by citizens around the country by saying, "They aren't illegal ballots, they're undocumented votes." "We need every vote to count—even the ones that Republicans are calling illegal," Biden s
The global genomics market reached a strong growth in 2020. Looking forward, the market is expected
Myles Sanderson has accumulated 59 criminal convictions since turning 18, parole records indicate.
Yesterday, while Donald Trump was misremembering when 9/11 happened in his own New York, Ted Cruz was making news in Philadelphia. Neither Fox nor CNN caught his speech, an omission they may regret. As stock media tracked what has not changed, Cruz spoke to what is changing with a voice that moved Wisconsin the night of the Wisconsin primary. And it resonated, according to those present. The untold story? Confidence in the data.
The color-coded maps that are transmitted across America’s TV screens, computer terminals, and newspaper pages asserting how many electoral votes Joe Biden or Donald Trump are projected to win at that particular moment in time do not matter one whit.
The Democrats’ $3.5 trillion social-engineering bill pushed by President Biden and Nancy Pelosi is called Build Back Better. It should be called Building a Political Scam.
A recent report based on Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data confirms what was anecdotally apparent: Jobs continue ...
Angela Merkel welcomed one million third world migrants to Germany in 2015. Germany is expecting another million this year. Muslims ...

Ireland's Abortion Dance

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

They were grinning, dancing, cheering, raising champagne glasses. It was frightening, alienating.
The Senate should go ahead and proceed with President Donald Trump's impeachment trial, according to Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz.
Angela Merkel and the President of the European Union Commission Ursula von der Leyen offered their hands in cooperation to Joe Biden.
Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin confirmed Thursday that he proposed a $1.5 trillion maximum spending number for the reconciliation package.
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) made a big show of welcoming migrants who wanted to reach the city in buses provided by the state of Texas, but new reporting revealed
President Trump announced Monday the Philadelphia Eagles will not visit the White House this week to celebrate the team's Super Bowl win amid the national anthem dispute.
Continued from Part One   PROLOGUE: So this guy is struggling to breathe in the middle of the hot dry desert, all alone, parched unbearably. Miraculously, he sees a concession stand ahead of him, right smack in the wide open...
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is refusing to denounce socialism as the left-wing ideology continues to drive a wedge within the Democratic Party -- and as she works to lock down enough support for another term as speaker.
Pat Robertson announced he is stepping down as the daily host of the long-running flagship program "The 700 Club."
Almost everything that the woke demand can be dismissed with a single word: “No.” To be effective, wokeness requires its targets to fold at the first hurdle. If we refuse to acquiesce, there’s no P…
When struggling retailer Sports Authority filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy last month in the face of more than $1 billion in debt, the company indicated that it had two options going forward.One of those was to shed underperforming stores and em
“Just because it’s the path of least resistance doesn’t mean it’s the wrong path.”
The irony that non-citizens could actually cost AOC her seat ... that's hilarious.
On Tuesday's "Hugh Hewitt Show," Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) stated that Sen. Joe Manchin's (D-WV) announcement that he won't vote to end the filibuster or pack | Clips