The Home Secretary needs to get a grip. The Police need reminding their job is to protect the innocent, not encourage anarchism.
FBI clearly was warned Russia collusion was Clinton dirty trick, Steele dossier flawed — and persisted anyway.
It is not so surprising that one of the biggest bros of Big Tech is fully woke. Still, the extent of the wokeness, even from California, can induce some
Democrats favor the Palestinians over the Israelis for the first time, according to a Gallup poll released last week.
A controversial bill mandating state checks on every single home with a new baby has been given 'emergency' status.
No, the Resistance didn’t manufacture racism. They just spent the majority of the last four years creating and promoting an official narrative which casts most Americans as “white supremacists” who literally elected Hitler president...
Democrats want to spend the country into a roaring economy. They should be careful what they wish for.
The Biden administration announced $37 million in new contributions to a global fund that promotes abortion and “comprehensive sexuality education.”
Opponents of providing free school lunches to low-income children said the responsibility to feed students should fall on parents.
Harry Reid -- in a 1993 speech on the Senate floor -- insinuated the United States was insane for providing a pathway for illegal immigrants to obtain citizenship. In his speech, the former Nevada
Maine’s largest city is struggling with an influx of asylum seekers, to the point where a local official is alerting shelters in other parts of the country to discourage people from heading there.
Virtually every conservative in America knows the title of this column is true. Virtually every leftist knows it, too, but lying for the cause is what the left does (think
A judge has ordered a new runoff election for Ward 1 alderman in Aberdeen, Mississippi, after evidence of fraud and criminal activity. In a 64-page order, Judge Jeff Weill ruled that of the 84 mail-in...
Jesse Watters rips Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for failing to accomplish anything meaningful for her constituents
Former Attorney General Bill Barr went on "Kudlow" on Friday to discuss former President Trump's indictment, claiming that the underlying legal theory is "pathetically weak."
"The rates of depression, loneliness and substance abuse in the gay community remain stuck in the same place they've been for decades."
Actor John Fugelsang sounded off on Donald Trump and his supporters after the president shared a tweet advocating for teaching Bible Literacy classes in public schools.

Opinion | America’s New Nihilism

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

‘Systemic racism’ is a systemic forgetting of 55 years of urban policy failure.

Why We Are Out of Time

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Five accusers have now stepped forward claiming New York Governor Andrew Cuomo touched them in ways that were inappropriate and personally invasive.A journalist, an assembly member, and three former aides
Is it really that hard for politicians to acknowledge that the majority of people who went all the way to Ottawa are just decent folks?
The University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab said federal regulation was so sweeping it would quash political dissent.
We are approaching Obamacare's seven-year anniversary. During that span, the GOP attempted to cripple, defund, or repeal Obamacare with one thing in mind: using the fear of Obamacare to win elections. Now that they have the ability to actually repeal it, they've scrapped all past bills they allegedly supported (including a very popular full repeal bill in 2015) and gave us redistribution of the redistribution they pretended to despise.
Beware the Ideologues in Psychologists’ Clothing The American Psychological Association (APA) recently released their Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Boys and Men (paralleling, in principle, their 2007 guidelines for girls and women). It manages to be simultaneously predictable, reprehensible, infuriating and disheartening — no mean feat for a single document. Make no mistake about it: this
t’s hard to separate the double-talk from the double standards in these days of double trouble, especially since the double trouble is itself doubled. The pandemic trouble has a double nature, consisting of a public health problem (which, miraculously, has evaporated—but we’ll get to that in a bit) and the economic trouble. Simultaneously we have …
Satire For The Right. And The Wrong.