Taibbi: The American left has lost its mind.
Asian Americans are flocking to gun stores to arm themselves for self-defense amid the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes. 
The U.S. House passed legislation to block the Washington, D.C., City Council’s Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Emergency Amendment Act of 2022.

Bernie Sanders on Twitter

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

“Every American, regardless of income, must have the right to a higher education.”
FBI agents arrested actress Felicity Huffman early Tuesday morning at her Los Angeles, CA home.
White House National Economic Council director Larry Kudlow stood by his recent comments dismissing the idea of "systemic racism" in the United States, at one point bringing up the election
Shootings are soaring, but Mayor Bill de Blasio figures sending cops to knock on citizens’ doors and lecture them about their hateful speech is a wise move. This was de Blasio’s idea of how to reac…

CNN’s unhinged war on Joe Rogan

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

We’re witnessing the death throes of a media empire.
The expanding confectionery sector and the rising younger population, who are more inclined towards confectionery delicacies, are primarily driving the global candy market. Additionally, the growing consumer preferences for assorted candies with several fillings and dry fruits are further propelling the market growth. Apart from this, the emerging trend of gifting sweets, like candies, particularly during festivals or special events such as birthdays, anniversaries, social meetings, etc., is also acting as another significant growth-inducing factor.
Republicans have reason to be nervous about next Tuesday’s special election to replace Georgia’s Tom Price, who resigned from Congress to join President Trump’s Cabinet. If the GOP candidate performs as badly as the party’s narrow winner of a special election in Republican Kansas did this week, nervous GOP majorities in Congress will be even less eager to take policy risks.
State Rep. Jeff Yaroch, R-Richmond, along with State Rep. Angela Witwer, D-Delta Township, introduced a bipartisan package March 12 aimed at improving various school safety practices in Michigan.
Abraham Lincoln and Republicans freed the slaves in America. Here is a brief history of the end of slavery in America. Via Michael Zak at Grand Old Partisan and later reposted at Free Republic: September 22, 1862: Republican President Abraham Lincoln issues preliminary Emancipation Proclamation January 1, 1863: Emancipation Proclamation, implementing the Republicans’ Confiscation Act…
The Department of Education should have been abolished decades ago, and there is no plausible way to turn it into something useful.
I'm sure this policy extends to political messages supporting BLM, abortion, Antifa, the Chinese Communist Party, and other far-left positions.... right??
The U.S. military has completed the evacuation of the American embassy in war-torn Sudan, President Joe Biden said late Saturday evening....

The Future of Our Cities - Ricochet

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

In 1968, in the wake of the assassination of Martin Luther King, a great many American cities were engulfed by riots. In one such city – Detroit – the mayor, a well-meaning liberal Democrat named Jerome Cavanaugh, made a fateful decision to rein in the police and let the riot burn itself out. To his […]
Satire For The Right. And The Wrong.
Kendall Tietz  ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel went after former President Donald Trump’s children on his late night show Wednesday, mocking them for promoting what he
Kathy Funk was accused of breaking a seal on a ballot box in her own election to ensure that votes couldn't be recounted.
Last week supporters of President …
In 2017, President Trump cancelled his predecessor's order to allow illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. before age 16 to apply for protection from deportation. On Thursday, SCOTUS ruled that
Democrats are pushing President Joe Biden to pass gun-control legislation following a shooting at a Colorado supermarket.
Sebastian Hughes  Vice President Kamala Harris warned there would be “severe consequences” for Russia if the nation continues its “aggressive action”
A cheat sheet held by President Biden during a Wednesday press conference revealed that the 80-year-old commander in chief had advance knowledge of a question from a journalist.
For too many Americans, the American legal system is no longer simply the arbiter of what the law means and how it applies to a given set of facts.