WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department said Saturday that it no longer will secretly obtain reporters' records during leak investigations, a policy shift that abandons a practice decried by media freedom groups.
President Joe Biden can’t even stumble his way out of talking about record-high inflation – much less offer an economic solution, Michael Goodwin writes.

The Long War on Guns

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

"In a paramilitary-style operation, government agents invaded the neighborhood of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tungren," the vignette reads. "A four-block area
At least one prominent person caught up in the Obama administration's "unmasking" effort -- American businessman Erik Prince -- is calling on U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions to launch a formal inv
“'This is not an argument for doxxing' they wrote right after making an argument for doxxing."
A former pool attendant says he had sex with Becki Falwell while her husband watched.
"The United States is in dangerous waters if it becomes 'general wisdom' and 'popular opinion' among public policy analysts and politicians that governments can spend all they want, in any amount, by just running huge annual budget deficits and expanding the national debt because it can all be...
When you go woke, you run the risk of going broke, and apparently, Netflix is pulling the ripcord before the streaming giant good and fully faceplants.
Electricity prices in Europe are high and rising due to green energy policies.
So amid the crashing and burning of the Weinstein empire in such spectacular fashion that it reminds of a Hollywood Hindenburg, we learn two things. (OK, many more than two, but two will suffice for now.) First, here is Harvey himself, who early on in this on-going debacle said this: “I came of age in the 60's and 70's, when all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different. That was the culture then.” Stop the presses. Harvey has in fact put his finger on one serious cultural truth. Against all the advice of their parents that what was becoming
A tale of two Bernies — a business founder and a politician. One is a creator, the other a destroyer.
Kenosha, Wisconsin exploded in violence on Sunday evening when a black man named Jacob Blake was shot in the back seven times by a police
Vice President Kamala Harris received a swath of criticism Tuesday following her awkward response to questions about the ongoing border crisis.
Last October, an NBC Sports reporter attempted to go into damage control when a crowd was chanting "F*** Joe Biden" at a NASCAR race. The reporter claimed that the crowd was showing support for the winning driver, Brandon Brown, by shouting, "Let's go Brandon!" The phrase "Let's go Brandon" instantl...
The New York Times had interviewed Dolezal on the subject.

The Fallacies Of Collectivists

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

An exploration into where the collectivists have and are still going, wrong.
Pundits are having to eat their words from just a few months ago claiming that the border crisis was manufactured by President Trump as a political stunt.
Former Covington Catholic High School Student Nick Sandmann finally told his story tonight at the RNC 2020 Convention. In January 2019 the liberal media branded a group of innocent Catholic boys in MAGA hats at the March for Life in Washington DC as hateful racists. The media ran with the false narrative that the children…
MSNBC's Chuck Todd defended Dr. Anthony Fauci’s email controversy on Wednesday, dismissing thousands of his emails released last week as "harmless" with a not-so-subtle nod to Hillary Clinton in the process.
A majority of voters in three key presidential swing states view Hillary Clinton as not honest and trustworthy, according to a new poll out Wednesday.
On Friday, the Treasury Department reported that the federal government took in a record $3.315 trillion in revenue during the just-completed 2017 fiscal year. None of the broadcast networks bothered to mention the Treasury on any of their Friday evening or weekend broadcasts. Yet even as revenues have grown at an average of 14 percent annually since 1980, liberal journalists have spent that entire time trumpeting the need for even higher taxes.
Two years into the Trump presidency, the case for NeverTrumpism has completely collapsed. Not one of the overblown doomsday scenarios that President Trump was supposed to unleash on humanity has panned out.
A majority of Republicans said that the number of coronavirus deaths in the U.S.
ATLANTA, GA - After information was released yesterday that hydroxychloroquine can increase the survival rate of patients diagnosed with COVID-19, a sad, forlorn Brian Stelter was forced to shuffle over to the 'Days Since Trump Was Proven Right' counter and reset it to zero once again.'Ugh. Not again!' said Stelter as he fumbled with th ...