I asked Tom Homan how to fix the crisis at the southern border. Here's what he said: Follow Rep. Jordan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jim_Jordan Like Rep. ...
“I urge you to prioritize public safety and to request federal assistance to restore law and order in Portland,” Homeland Security secretary Chad Wolf wrote.
This is a story about the exercise of raw power and the cowardice of those unwilling to stand up to the injustice of it.
Candidates who take part in an insurrection may be barred from holding public office under the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution, a federal appeals court ruled, overturning a lower court judge’s decision.
By any reasonable assessment, the United States is losing its 36-year war with the Islamic Republic of Iran.
A Pennsylvania Democrat resigned from his position on Monday night after being charged with child porn and abusing children last month.
Scherie Murray, a Jamaican-born woman who grew up in Queens and founded a TV production and advertising company, plans to run for the congressional seat held by Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Co…
Antifa has been terrorizing cities across the U.S. in recent months, but how courageous are these black-clad anarchists? Let’s take a look at what happened over the weekend when Green
A man has been arrested on suspicion of assaulting California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) during his visit to downtown Oakland, authorities said Friday.
President Biden is trying to establish denser housing in U.S. neighborhoods by rewarding federal funds to states who change zoning laws.
Ann Coulter stated of Donald Trump's candidacy, "I've never seen an issue that divides the elites from the people so much"
This is just a report at this time— We will post any updates— Alabama Judge Roy Moore won the Republican senate primary to replace Jeff Sessions in September. Judge Moore is a conservative favorite. Establishment Republicans fear him. On Thursday the far left Washington Post accused Judge Moore of dating a 14 year-old girl in …
District of Columbia — President Donald Trump announced Eugene Scalia, the son of former Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia, as his nomination for the Secretary of Labor position after form…
Michael Moore has called for more ‘authentic,' ‘crazy’ Biden, but that version of the candidate has often stirred controversy.
There are now 1,930 counties that are protected by Second Amendment Sanctuary legislation at either the state or county level.
In a 7-2 vote, Garwood's board passed a resolution in favor of rejecting the state's updated sex education curriculum for next school year.
The movie "Truth" shows him as a martyr for journalism. That's called creative writing.
Due process doesn't prevent voters from evaluating news reports or judging whether a politician is fit for office ...
Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claims America runs Concentration camps. We asked the only people who have true authority on the matter: concentration cam...
Two months ago, Drew Brees was a superstar athlete who had managed to pull the rare trick of being famous, successful, and universally beloved. The latter being by far the most difficult feat of the three. But then the New Orleans Saints quarterback stated publicly (and correctly) that protesting during the Anthem is “disrespectful” and […]
A federal judge has dismissed a majority of the claims filed by activists and civil liberties groups who accused the Trump administration of violating the civil rights of protesters who were forcefully removed by police using chemical agents from a park near the White House before then-President Donald Trump walked to a nearby church to take a photo.
One of the downsides of a 24/7 news cycle is that it allows far more time for media types to fill airspace with bad takes, as was recently the case during Univision’s coverage of the horrific school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. Watch as Linea de Fuego host Luis Carlos Vélez introduces a debate on gun control by weirdly associating the defense of the Second Amendment to radical Islam:  
Seattle Sees Unexpected Fallout from $15 Per Hour Min. Wage
Democratic 2020 hopeful Beto O’Rourke said his hometown of El Paso, Texas could be the modern day Ellis Island during an interview at the famous island in New York City’s harbor on Monday.
Big business and the far left have formed an Axis of Wokeness that stands in opposition to the American right After years of serving as useful idiots to multinational corporations, the right has no longer any reason to support globalism