The real mark of a legend is to get away with it all, over, and over, and over again. Hunter Biden barely even needs his dad to protect him
  Boston Mayor Kim Janey reinstated an indoor mask mandate starting today for absolutely no reason. But tonight she went out to eat at Arya Trattoria in the North End, and was photographed with their owner without a mask on. She must’ve learned it from watching her predecessor Marty Walsh, who we first reported in …
The gcc fuel cell market report provides a deep and thorough evaluation of the market, including value and volume trends and pricing history. Growth-inducing factors, market restraints and recent developments have also been analyzed in the report in order to provide deeper knowledge about the industry.
The looming battle over the 'Ghostbusters' reboot has less to do with a comedy institution and more about the current PC comedy laws.
International climate change sensation Greta Thunberg is an icon, a hero, and the subject of climate change worshipers around the world. Her fiery speech at the United Nations inspired millions while getting mocked by those of us who recognize it for what it is: hysteria. But as her star continues to grow, radical progressives in …
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Biden administration announced today the long-running informal slogan of the United States military, that no man will be left behind, is going to be changed to 'hundreds of Americans left behind.'The new slogan will more accurately describe the activities of the military under the Biden administration as they leave behind A ...
Steven Seagal visits Ukraine amid prison bombing controversy.

Liam Donovan on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“"Rubio actually leads Trump by 48% to 23% among the nearly 1-in-5 voters who have already cast their ballots in this “early vote” state."”
Karen Carter Peterson, chair of the Louisiana Democratic Party, has distinguished herself as the highest-profile Democrat in the country to outright call for a repeal of the Second Amendment. Last
San Francisco's newly elected district attorney has promised to not prosecute public urination and other quality-of-life crimes that have plagued the highly-priced Bay Area amid a crippling homelessness crisis affecting urban communities across California. 
Photos emerged Tuesday showing Taliban supporters in Afghanistan holding a mock funeral while hoisting coffins draped with flags from the U.S. and other NATO countries.
A prominent scientist who has denounced a congressional investigation into gain-of-function research helped fund Wuhan Institute of Virology gain-of-function work flagged by congressional investigators.  Peter Hotez, dean of the Baylor College of Medicine National School of Tropical Medicine, has been a fierce critic of potential hearings next year into a possible lab origin of COVID-19 …
A group of “marginalised” students at the University of Arizona issued a list of demands to the University administration.
A group of Turkish lawmakers will travel to the heart of Europe to investigate rising Islamophobia on the continent. Speaking to Anadolu Agency on...
Former two-term Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick is jumping into the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. Patrick declared his candidacy for the White House in a video on social media and in an email sent to supporters early Thursday.
US President Donald Trump announced a third US-brokered peace deal.
Mary Margaret Olohan  President Joe Biden condemned a ruling by the Supreme Court on Texas’ Heartbeat Act Thursday, saying the court’s decision “insults
Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass., said Democrats would look at tax increases should his party hold on its majority in the House following the upcoming midterm elections.
President Obama's Department of Education doesn't need the law.
Corporate media received a massive boost in Facebook engagement this month, following the social network's January 11 algorithm change, while conservative media declined, according to independent social media analysis.
WASHINGTON—Knocking the broadcast for its lack of cohesive vision, The Washington Post impeachment critic Patrick Jennings gave the insipid day one of the House inquiry hearing two out of five Andrew Johnsons. “We hope the masterminds behind the hearing have some real surprises in store, otherwise I don’t see this ever perking up to three or four Andrew Johnsons,” said Jennings, noting that audiences who tuned in to the congressional proceedings looking for a thriller would find themselves facing more of a plodding slice-of-life drama. “They had the perfect opportunity in the third hour for a dramatic moment, but they totally blew it. If someone had produced a phone in a Ziploc bag, we would have bumped our rating up half of a Johnson for sure; however, it looks like the creators weren’t interested in taking risks. Frankly, if it weren’t for the costume designers behind George Kent’s bowtie, we wouldn’t have given the hearing any Andrew Johnsons at all. This is definitely something for the policy wonk, though casual viewers shouldn’t waste their time.” Jennings added that audiences would find much more satisfaction going back and rewatching the O.J. Simpson trial.
Why so many believe in the Covid Cult
U  S President Joe Biden on Friday ordered declassification over the next six months of still secret documents from the government inve...
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, the Arizona Democrat who single-handedly thwarted her party’s longtime goal of raising taxes on wealthy investors, received nearly $1 million over the past year from private equity professionals, hedge fund managers and venture capitalists whose taxes would have increased under the plan.
With allegations that Breitbart was paid for positive Donald Trump stories. It's worth remembering that Andrew Breitbart was anything but a Trump supporter.