FIRE calls on the University of Northern Iowa to reject viewpoint discrimination against a pro-life group.
Democrats’ reckless tax and spend spree endorsed by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) includes a $12 billion tax on crude oil that will be paid by consumers in the form of higher gas and energy costs. With gas averaging $4.21 per gallon across the country and only weeks removed from record-high prices, Democrats have included a […]
The organizers of the Conservative Political Action Conference criticized Sen. Marco Rubio's campaign Tuesday for not being "organized" enough to commit to a speaking slot at next week's conference. "I take them at their word when they tell me that they want to be there, but they simply...
Rep. Adam Schiff has spent the vast majority of Trump’s presidency peddling unfounded (and debunked) conspiracy theories and 'leaking' false information.
Joe Biden’s polling edge over President Trump eroded this week amid The Post’s scandalous revelations about his son Hunter’s foreign dealings — but the Democratic candidate …
The Biden administration’s messaging that fostered the chaos at the Kabul airport appears to reflect what it says that’s created the chaos at the southern
The View invited Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to come on the show, and he has rejected that invitation. Of course, this is Ron DeSantis we’re talking about here, so he didn’t just reject the...

The POLITICO Wrongometer

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Our policy reporters truth-squad the Republican debate.
Drivers in France be aware: treat speed cameras with politeness and respect or you could be prosecuted as one motorist has found out.
The Senate on Wednesday rejected a Democratic effort to roll back a Trump administration rule that allows states to ignore parts of ObamaCare.
Thread by @COsweda: THREAD Game over. @realDonaldTrump will be reelected in a landslide. For the first time in American history, the Republicans have beaten the Democrats in new-voter registration. The Democrats go ...…
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — A sham candidate for the Florida Legislature pleaded guilty Tuesday to being part of a vote siphoning scheme in last year's election and will testify against a former Republican state senator who prosecutors say ran it.
Leaders of the Taliban terror group allegedly met on Wednesday to discuss "how to respond" to al-Zawahiri's killing.

Manny Montenegrino on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“This poll is as of now. Don't forget- According to @realDonaldTrump "I haven't even started on her, yet"”
According to an exclusive by Entertainment Weekly, Louisa May Alcott's classic novel "Little Women" will be "reimagined" in a graphic novel in honor of its 150th anniversary.
ethic complain filed against Pelosi out for her failure to adhere to proper procedure in regard to the ‘impeachment inquiry.’
Cancer stricken talk radio legend Rush Limbaugh provided listeners a somber update on his condition Monday after recent scans showed “some progression of cancer” which he said is “not dramatic” but still a step in the wrong direction.
WILSON, WY — Former Vice President Dick Cheney, who famously started two wars in the Middle East and shot a dude in the face while hunting, now says Donald Trump is the greatest threat America has ever faced.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says he didn't even know former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke endorsed him but says he disavows it. Rough Cut...

The Daily Wire on Twitter

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

“Kurt Suzuki of the Washington Nationals pops MAGA hat on as Trump calls him up to the mic. https://t.co/6B4oOFNJko”

Pennsylvania: Biden 50%, Trump 45%

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

President Trump trails Democrat Joe Biden by five points in Pennsylvania, a state that was key to Trump’s election in 2016.
  President Joe Biden vowed Thursday to complete the evacuation of American citizens and others from Afghanistan despite the deadly sui...
Vincent, a small town in central Alabama, has disbanded its police department after an officer allegedly texted a joke about slaves that surfaced on social media.
Students of Suffolk University tore down flyers and posters advertising the appearance of Christina Hoff Sommers.  Sommers is a professor, cultural...
The campaign for Democrat presidential hopeful Julián Castro took aim at "the four white frontrunners" in the race for president.