Wisconsin Republicans apparently dislike Cruz so much that they are trying to cheat him out of selecting delegates that their own Wisconsin Republican Party constitution mandates that he get: RESUR…

Guns and Past Vs. Present Americans

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Inconvenient facts about the history of gun violence and gun control.
The collapse of the Left and Globalism in the face of local pressures. With electoral losses across the globe, Left parties must rethink their tactics.
Sen. Ron Johnson stated that there is "nothing" for which to congratulate Joe Biden after reporters asked if he had done so.
The mainstream media has noticeably lessened their attacks on Gov. Ron DeSantis, as Florida fares much better than most states on coronavirus mitigation as of late the hosts of "The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show" argued Thursday.
California has become an example of what a state looks like when it is controlled by a single party — in this case, Democrats, who are trying to impose a green-energy secular religion on their peop…
And why it's been especially active this year.


Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community


BLM to Biden and Harris: You Owe Us

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

In a letter sent to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris after their presumptive win on Saturday, Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said the support of the group’s movement is
President Biden, House Speaker Pelosi, Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and pretty much the entirety of the mainstream media are all in for the massive spending spree.
“There are still a lot of problems that we are trying to fix,” but pinned those on “the deterioration that happened over the last four years.” Meaning: It’s Trump’s fault!
Again, surprisingly few people who are unarmed and not attacking police end up being shot by police. I reworked the data published by the Washington Post because as usual it does not put it in a fo…
By reducing transaction costs, the economy of the future will decentralize workplaces and transform ownership of consumer goods.
Back in 2004, the Department of Defense released a report assuring the world that Climate Change would destroy us by 2020.
Referring to the presidential election results, Dole said: 'Today I’m kind of a sad Republican but you never know what’s going to happen.'
President Joe Biden once again broke his campaign commitment to keep the Department of Justice (DOJ) non-political, critics say, calling Attorney General Merrick Garland's latest directive to the FBI to investigate "threats of violence" at school board meetings a clear move to "politicize the DOJ."
The widespread adoption of this technology by organizations for supply chain visibility and inventory management is primarily driving the chipless RFID market. Besides this, the inflating popularity of e-commerce platforms and the escalating demand for logistics services are further augmenting the market growth.
The Blue Wave that wasn't.
Ricky Gervais is urging winners not to get political at the Golden Globes, quipping that celebrities are in “no position to lecture the public about anything.”
The New York Times spoke with several Afghan gun dealers, who said the Taliban sold the weapons to them, and they are reselling them, including in Pakistan, part of the $85 billion trove of weapons left behind during American exit
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and others have effectively waged war on Chick-fil-A less than a year after the beloved fast-food chain finally set up shop in Manhattan. The chain is poised to open its first Queens location at Queens Center Mall this fall, and its...
American women live under a suffocating patriarchy. Rape culture flourishes in the US. Toxic masculinity stunts the emotional and professional growth of American females. Sexual harassment and pred…
As we all know, Trump spent two trillion dollars to assassinate a Muslim general in Iran because of a misunderstanding of grand proportions. Because of Donald Trump’s lack of any environmental protection policies, climate change has gotten out of control since he took office. Australia is burning to the ground because of Trump’s ineffective and …