German authorities believe that leaks detected on Nord Stream 1 and 2 in Baltic waters have rendered the Russian pipeline forever unusable, reports Der
A viral Facebook video shows a shooting that occurred Sunday around 4 a.m. near the 8300 block of Jaybrook Drive.
A good reminder of what we can expect when President Trump’s defense team has their first opportunity in five months to defend him.  During a broadcast segment on ABC news reporters in the Ca…
Sens. David Perdue, R-Ga., and Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., endorsed President Donald Trump's call for a second round of the election results in the state, insisting on a signature match of absentee ballots with those on voter registration lists.
The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday night voted to hold Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a subpoena from the January 6 select committee,
Swedish authorities have reported a new fourth alleged leak as some fear that the damage to the pipelines may be beyond repair.
House Speaker Paul Ryan said Tuesday that Donald Trump made the "textbook definition of a racist comment" in saying an American-born judge isn't qualified to preside over a case because of his Mexican heritage.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—In an alarming show of religious extremism and complete disregard for the separation of church and state, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was spotted by news reporters serving food to the homeless. Kavanaugh performed the frightening display of religious devotion alongside an organized group of radicalized Catholics, whose extremist mission appears to be helping ?
Has anyone ever told you that “You can’t do it” and “You’re crazy” over and over? Perhaps they’ve told you this so many times, you’ve started to believe it yourself. This is what’s happening in our election today. The media is telling us “There is no evidence. You can’t prove it” and “You are just… Continue reading Skeptical of Voter Fraud in 2020? Here’s Your Evidence. →
We recently discussed the controversy following the letter of the National School Boards Association (NSBA) asking the Justice Department to investigate parents causing disruptions or making threat…
Traders closed out a terrible week that brought the S&P 500 to a new 2022 low.
What is it about truth that sends people scrambling to their “safe” (dishonest) spaces? Online, in schools, in entertainment, in news media, there is such a
Roughly 50 supporters have lined up Monday morning for President Donald Trump's re-election rally in Wildwood, New Jersey.
Democrat Joe Biden gave a Thanksgiving address on Wednesday where he, an allegedly devout Catholic, appeared to not know how to pronounce one of the most
In order to protect the country from fictional right-wing "patriot" groups, did the FBI become an insurrectionist "patriot" movement?
KYIV — As Ukrainian officials prepared to submit their request to join NATO, President Volodymyr Zelensky planned to use one of the most powerful secret weapons at his disposal — his Hollywood connections — and ask Ben Stiller if he could put the actor down as a reference on the application.
Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman reportedly said Saudi has enthusiastically funded Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign
NEW YORK, NY—Local progressive and self-described ?brave social justice advocate? Brian Dyer often pats himself on the back after winning an online argument with ?backward conservative bigots.? But on Friday, Dyer may have gone too far, as he shot his hand down his back and began patting with such vigor that he dislocated his shoulder ?
Over the weekend, Washington Post columnist Max Boot had a novel take on President Trump’s impeachment. According to Boot, what Trump said on the phone call with Ukraine’s president was in some...
DIPLOMATIC AFFAIRS: Much has changed since Saudi Arabia last sent troops to help other Arab countries wage war on Israel.
Kaylee Greenlee  Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials made the lowest number of arrests from September 2020 through September 2021 in at least a
A recent decision in New York City's eviction court has come down squarely in favor of recognizing legal rights for polyamorous relationships. Trial court Judge Karen May Bacdayan concluded in the case of West 49th St., LLC v. O’Neill that polyamorous relationships are entitled to the same sor...
The beatings continue on Facebook as the social media giant threatened the "Women for Trump" page with suspension.
PORTLAND, OR—Local feminist Linda Otto reportedly dismissed the Bible as ?Godsplaining? in a recent blog post, followers of her Patheos page confirmed Wednesday. She defined the term as the Lord revealing commandments and universal moral truths without consulting His creation to see how they felt about the matter. ?See how God constantly just talks at ?