This is getting very interesting. A stealth DOJ flight into Little Rock and then back to Virginia has gone down TWICE this week, according to flight intel and sources … or would have been stealth if it were up to the mainstream media. The DOJ/FBI 757 made an additional flights on Thursday as well as …
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Security concerns were raised over how bad Chinese spying has gotten after it was revealed this week that Eric Swalwell had been secretly dating President Xi Jinping in a wig.'Hey, wait a minute!' said an FBI agent as he saw Rep. Swalwell holding hands with a woman who looked suspiciously like President Xi in light makeup, ...
It is an appalling, and predictable, spectacle to sit through after every election season that isn’t a complete Democratic victory.
Legendary investor attacks social media giant's strategy.
It’s too easy to imagine the horror with which statesmen like Abraham Lincoln or Ronald Reagan...
West Virginia lawmakers, seeking to remove every justice on the state's four-member Supreme Court amid what they called an over-the-top spending scandal, impeached three justices on Monday, including Chief Justice Margaret Workman.
Bernie Sanders may be our next President! He leads in the betting for the Democratic nomination. But some of his ideas are frightening. Senator Sanders now t...
'This meddling on the part of big media and big tech... is a very serious problem and a huge threat to the republic,' Hemingway said.
Halyna Hutchins was killed after being shot by a prop gun on the set of Alec Baldwin's 'Rust' — details on the incident
LOS ANGELES, CA — After unleashing another barrage of antisemitic comments, Ye has been named an honorary member of "The Squad".
In his "Now-cast" election model for who would win if ballots were cast Monday, Silver gave the Republican nominee a 57.5% chance of winning the presidency.
Democrats are trying to ban low-cost health insurance that covers less than ObamaCare. They claim they’re protecting the public from what Sen. Chuck Schumer calls “junk insurance.” Don’t believe it…
The Democrats’ showdown in Las Vegas repeatedly put Bloomberg in his primary rivals’ crosshairs. But the conflagration quickly expanded into an all-out melee and easily the most aggressive debate of the nomination season to date.
Retired Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz said Friday's decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to turn away a lawsuit from Texas and 17 other states challenging the election results in four battleground states on the justification that they didn't have standing to bring the...
China’s navy is now the world’s largest maritime military force and will deploy 460 warships by the end of the decade, according to the Pentagon’s latest annual report on Chinese military power.
Hollywood star Fran Drescher -- who is the president of SAG-AFTRA, Hollywood's largest actors union -- has blasted COVID vaccine mandates as an infringement on basic liberties, saying no one should be forced to take the vaccine as a condition for work, travel, dining, or attending public events.
The hack is almost certainly an attempt to influence the election, experts say.
But the Democrats are cooking up an even weaker sequel.
The man who pretended to speak for the oppressed oppressed the poor and his own family. It’s another repudiation of his work on its anniversary.
Economists estimate prices rose at the fastest pace since 1990 as supply constraints kept boosting costs
The Florida Cabinet returned to an all-Republican lineup Tuesday as outgoing Senate President Wilton Simpson was elected agriculture commissioner and
The Interwebs have been blowing up of late with a startling picture of Hillary Rodham Clinton appearing to shriek in laughter while standing next to one Barrack Hussein Obama.
Oprah Winfrey (Screenshot) The “Inspiration” section of entertainment celebrity Oprah Winfrey’s magazine, “O,” promotes the founder of a movement to publicly celebrate abortion and her new “Shout Your Abortion” book.
Pastor Antonio Velasquez says that before the Trump administration announced a crackdown on immigrants using government social services, people lined up before sunrise outside a state office in a largely Latino Phoenix neighborhood to sign up for food stamps and Medicaid. “You had to arrive at 3 in the

The AMA dumps “Do No Harm”

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

There are many depressing things about what is happening right now but of all of them one of the worst is this.  The American Medical Association (AMA), in a surprising move, has officially re…