The left-leaning Politico website has taken a potshot at white southern Christians in an insulting new cartoon depicting believers as stupid and still yearning for the secession of the south.
Amazing how the media standards on this stuff suddenly change.
The party has made its soft spot for violent mob behavior obvious.
Mary Margaret Olohan Pope Francis lamented news of plunging birth rates worldwide in a Friday address, warning…
LOS ANGELES, CA - There aren't a ton of great teachers left in California, but there are definitely a few. Mr. Hammond of Carter Rock Elementary School in the suburbs of Los Angeles hated seeing his kids masked up every day, so he came up with a genius plan: he rented out a decommissioned Boeing 737 and held class in there. Now, due to the inexplicable ...
Below is my column in USA Today on the Arpaio pardon and its historical context.  While I have been critical of the Arpaio pardon, the history of presidential pardons is quite checkered.  Moreover,…
SACRAMENTO, CA—In a blow to believers across the west coast, a new assembly bill signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown Tuesday will require Christians in the State to register Bibles of all sizes, shapes, and translation version as “assault weapons.”Many national public safety groups and political action committees praised the new law, sayi …
Joe Biden is playing from a very old playbook of racial politics. How long can the media protect him from himself?
Of the 21 bills the New York congresswoman sponsored, none of them had a Republican co-sponsor.
On the true merits, the DACA debate is a loser for the left and their media -- which is why the 14 facts about it remain largely unspoken.
Police released hundreds of pages of documents Thursday pertaining to the Jussie Smollett investigation and his alleged hate crime attack in Chicago.
On Friday, the House Ethics Committee unanimously ruled that far-left Democratic congresswoman Rashida Tlaib broke the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 whe...
The U.S. Supreme Court held in a unanimous decision that entering the house without a search warrant violates the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.
At least two people were shot Friday prompting a heavy police response, authorities said.
Investigators believe the president’s son is crucial to understanding a June 2016 meeting between the Trump inner circle and a Kremlin-connected lawyer.
Images from the downtown area show trash piling up as workers struggle to keep the area sanitized. In an op ed for The LA Times one reporter called it 'the collapse of a city that's lost control'.
To analyze and learn how the situation in Israel is developing, Orlando Avendaño, editor-in-chief of El American, spoke with the deputy consul general of Israel in the Southeastern United States, Alex Gandler.
First Lady Jill Biden was opposed to her husband selected Kamala Harris as his presidential running mate, according to an explosive new book. Jill Biden expressed her frustration with the selection of Harris, who lashed out at Joe Biden in the first Democratic primary debate, New York Times reporters Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns wrote in their upcoming book This Will […]
The Supreme Court in June announced that it would consider the case of Colorado baker Jack Phillips, a Christian who refused to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding.
The FBI rushed in the months ahead of the 2016 presidential election to accommodate Hillary Clinton’s request for expedited processing of information from its investigation into her secret emails, according to documents released Monday.
Tehran views 'interventionist' French President Macron's call for political change as attempt to push Israeli interests and undermine Iranian-back terror group's control of country
The House of Representatives Wednesday passed legislation to form an independent 9/11-style commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and to make recommendations on preventing another domestic attack.
The former governor of South Carolina was one of many people that congratulated Elon Musk for his takeover of Twitter on Monday. Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, congratulated Elon Musk on Monday for his recent purchase of Twitter. Haley says she is excited to see Musk "shake things up" and restore people's [...]
On Tuesday afternoon, Berkeley, California city police sought and obtained permission to use pepper spray on violent protesters on Thursday when Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro comes to speak on the campus.