"Demand an end to discrimination against straights. We also deserve a parade!"
'I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it," Kamala Harris said in 2019.

The Misery of the Maskaholics

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Some folks just really aren't going to let go of COVID protocols anytime soon.
Leaked internal communications by Twitter employees reveal woke employees are overtaken by despair and anger about Elon Musk’s month-long effort to acquire Twitter.
Mexican director Guillermo del Toro hopes his new movie The Shape of Water – a love story “between a woman and a sea monster being held captive by the U.S. government” [??] -- will help repair a “broken political system” after Donald Trump was elected president of the United States. “It’s like a cancer. We have a tumor now," he said. "That doesn’t mean the cancer started with that tumor. It was gestating for so long....The pendulum swung back 30 years in the last year and a half. It's very, very troublesome that so many horrible things can be manifest.”
Tucker Carlson endorses Elizabeth Warren’s economic agenda to advance social conservatism, but her policies would have the opposite effect.
New course on 'anti-black racism' also to be offered this fall.
Red states, along with lone Democrat-controlled Vermont, topped the charts in lowest unemployment rates in April, while blue states recorded the highest jobless rates, according to the Commerce Department.
They want Elon Musk to testify about what he intends to do.

Walker Shines in New Hampshire

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Nashua, N.H.Scott Walker was feeling it. He’d been speaking for a little more than ten minutes, telling stories about his battles in Wisconsin to a crowd of Republicans nodding their heads in enthusiastic agreement. Then, in the middle of an extended passage on the United States’ role in the world, Walker invoked “what makes us arguably the greatest nation in history.” Arguably? At a Republican gathering in the Obama era?
College students need counseling after …
The illegal alien crime wave that started under Obama continues.
The case is scheduled to be heard Monday by Judge Stephen Wilson of the Central District Court of California.
Abbott has said he would sign the permitless carry proposal into law.
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has called out Leonardo DiCaprio for sharing misinformation about the 2019 forest fires in The Amazon
It's now, apparently, trendy to refer to bad things that happen to you as "rape."
Despite his liberal, pacifist inclinations, my father answered his country's call during the Vietnam War, and worked as a U.S. Army medic.
One tax expert said that if there is no criminal intent and the issue has been corrected, she's unlikely to face any criminal consequences.
'Since the beginning of this pandemic the operation of this office has not changed and no wearing of masks has been put in place.'
Governor Ron DeSantis says the "recesses of the internet" are a factor in our country's uptick in mass shootings.
WATCH BELOW as the Sun’s political columnist Brian Lilley says Justin Trudeau and the NDP are trying to keep Canadians from knowing what happened with two…
For 10 people who agreed with God, He would have spared Sodom, but as long as even 1 person says "that's so gay," all Christians must be silenced.
Earlier this month, I wrote an op-ed for The Hill where I argued that Republicans should support President Trump and follow his electoral formula, or “die” — i.e., face extinction as a party. The piece had an obvious target audience — establishment Republicans — with an obvious goal in mind — to get wishy-washy GOP elected officials on board with the President’s agenda.
A senior government official has predicted that the United States will return as many as 50,000 asylum seekers to Mexico in the coming months.
An inadvertent assist from Biden's anti-gun running mate.