On Thursday’s episode of “The Michael Knowles Show,” the host discusses the accusaitons of obstruction against President Donald Trump. Transcript and video below.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo appeared to deny that his dog's Winnie the Pooh chew toy was meant to insult Chinese dictator Xi Jinping.
Not all characters can change themselves to differing characters. Some clings to the same role throughout their carrier and others explore new faces by accepting challenges.  It’s really interesting to see how a professional character turns himself/herself into another skillful and different character. We have brought forward some of those interesting roles for our Popflix […]
Trump’s supporters seemed stunned. His critics suspected a trap. Few saw it as what could become the most magnanimous gesture of his presidency.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said she has cancer but that she is fully able to work during chemotherapy for the lesions on her liver.
Vince Coglianese joined Fox News' Tucker Carlson Thursday to discuss how corporate media figures are spinning the officer-related death of Ma’Khia Bryant.
The costumed star of a viral video of the "Easter Bunny" throwing punches in defense of a woman on a sidewalk in downtown Orlando, Florida, on Sunday night has been identified — and, according to law enforcement, he's got a lengthy criminal record that includes multiple armed robberies and a warr
As the George Floyd riots ravage American cities, 80 pro-police "Back the Blue" rallies are scheduled to take place in 30 states.
Walter Lippmann was right that the Cold War would expose America to great evils. He was wrong to think that America could not, or should not, accept them as the price of avoiding even greater ones.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said school board races will be "some of the most important" elections this year.
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders may have a tougher time than he expects locking down the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, particularly among minority voters.
THE son of federal judge Esther Salas has been killed and her husband critically wounded after a gunman dressed as a Fedex delivery driver ambushed them inside their home last night. Daniel Anderl,…
President Joe Biden earned one of the lowest approval ratings among presidents in the modern era during his first 100 days in office, according to a new poll.What are the details?The ABC News/Washington Post poll, conducted April 18 to April 21, found that Biden's approval rating stands at a paltry ...
It's true that Joe Biden did his best to help Anita Hill, including concealing witnesses who would have been a disaster under examination.
Planned Parenthood of Greater New York is removing the name of Margaret Sanger, the founder of the nation's largest abortion provider, from its New York City clinic due to her "harmful connection to the eugenics movement," the group said Tuesday.
SAN FRANSISCO, CA - Locals are applauding after the unveiling of a brand new stained glass window at Gender Justice Cathedral, a local Episcopal church. The elaborate new window depicts Dr. Anthony Fauci, the new patron saint of virus protection, vaccinations, and all science.'We are proud to show this gorgeous new masterpiece to the world,' said ...
$1.3-billion to be exact; more evidence that the administration wants to weaponize the federal agency and turn it into a gun control organization with law en...
The Chinese Tortoise and the American Hare
Rep. Bobby Rush accused President Trump of wanting to “instigate a race war” so he could say he was the “grand wizard of the Klu Klux Klan.” 
President Joe Biden only took a couple of questions on Tuesday afternoon from reporters after he gave a short statement about the administration's
Sounds like we might be hearing something soon.
President Obama’s refusal to veto an anti-Israel U.N. resolution was ranked Tuesday as the most anti-Semitic incident of 2016 by the Simon Wiesenthal Center.