President Biden wants to transform the character of many American cities and suburbs by building more apartment buildings in quiet and frequently disproportionately White neighborhoods of single-family homes.
The order by Manhattan federal court Judge Alison Nathan came more than a week after she grilled the juror, who was identified by media outlets by his first and middle names, Scotty David.
Without giving a warning or any specific reason, Facebook purged a number of "far-right extremists" from its platform this week.
Report: Honda, Toyota, and Panasonic closed factories at the same time in India, ceding industrial oxygen to save lives
A Seattle Pacific University professor claims in a study that white supremacy permeates introductory physics classes. It reads like a parody.

Declare War on Russia or Shut Up

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

The Mueller Report has come and gone leaving behind neither collusion nor obstruction. But in the time that has passed, the Democrats have s...
Former DHS acting Secretary Chad Wolf blasted President Joe Biden after the president claimed Wolf’s agency stonewalled Biden’s transition.
Twitter said it plans to appoint Tesla CEO Elon Musk to its board of directors a day after he disclosed a 9.2% stake in the social-media company.
CNN guest Christine Quinn said during a discussion Monday night about pro-life state-level "heartbeat bills" that when a woman gets pregnant that she is not pregnant with a human being.
For the past eight weeks, demonstrators have come out to protest police brutality and systemic racism, and more recently the
Chinese leader Xi Jinping personally directed the communist regime to focus its efforts to control the global internet, ...
Texas Border Patrol Seizure, 40 lbs of Fentanyl The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is warning local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies to
Contrary to the Democratic narrative in aftermath of a surge in federal law enforcement sent to Portland, the city has been burning for months.
The psychedelic renaissance will take place under medical authorities and state supervision, with the corporate sheen of celebrity endorsement.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan sad, last week, that he didn't believe President Donald Trump was worthy of a state banquet hosted by the Queen at Buckingham Palace. It turns out, though, he won't have to suffer through seeing Trump honored by the royal family.
Mitch McConnell announced the HEALS Act, which may provide answers to students and parents on whether or not schools will return to in-person instruction. 
On Tuesday, after Gary O’Connor, the chair of the Lamar County Democratic Party in Texas, had offered his resignation in the wake of blowback for calling
A woman has been charged with murder after Texas authorities say she performed a “self-induced abortion.”
Longtime Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz has accused his own academic institution of succumbing to McCarthyism for the firing of professor Ron Sullivan and his wife, Stephanie Robinson, from their positions as co-deans of Winthrop House simply because Sullivan represents a man accuse
I mean, this should come as no shock to anyone following the leftist mayhem engulfing the Left Coast. Seattle, Portland, California are seeing the riots continue and getting more violent.
Biden’s Nominee For ICE Petitioned Court To Release Violent Felons From Prison He Ran
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congresswoman AOC has recently drafted strong legislation designed to unilaterally ban ghost guns. She claims the legislation is needed since ghosts are dead already and don't actually need guns anymore.'Why would we allow ghosts to have guns if they're dead already? The gun would simply fall through their hands,' sai ...
The United States higher education system is broken; we should all be able to agree on that statement. We now have a college education system that is more worried about meeting with the approval of the cultural elite and college sports community that it is with the original mission of the University
How many tens of thousands of Americans must die because of Dr. Fauci’s mistakes? It is becoming more and more apparent with each new day and as more information is accumulated that Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, the CDC and the FDA failed in their response to the China Coronavirus. Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx…