By Rondell Pettus One of the recurring themes of the Trump era is the widespread promotion of conspiracy theories. President Donald Trump, who lost the Novemeber election, told over 20,000 lies in office and often pushed idiotic ideas like shooting bleach into the body to cure COVID-19. The belief in an alternate reality is still […]
The judge granted the boy's father sole decision-making when it came to getting vaccinated.
by Harold Hutchison Democratic Rep. Abigail Spanberger of Virginia blasted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the
This isn't how politics is supposed to work in the United States.
The South Carolina Republican said he has had some differences with Rosenstein, but impeachment is unnecessary.
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Governor Tom Wolf stole taxpayer money in order to produce, distribute, and promote misleading advertising propaganda about mail-in voting.
Former President Barack Obama condemned Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin for focusing on hot-button education issues during the campaign, dismissing those issues as unserious and “fake outrage.” Virginia parents and parent advocates shot back at Obama's remarks, calling them “tone deaf” and “clueless."
Pfizer chief executive Albert Bourla pulled out of an appointment to testify before the European Parliament's special committee on COVID-19, during which he
The Orlando Pulse nightclub mass murder understandably has inspired calls for legal solutions to prevent such things in the future. It touches on the
Democrats are moving forward with their crusade to abolish ICE. They have chosen to side with MS-13 gang members, human smugglers, and dangerous predators.
Radio Host Kevin McCullough pointed out that in Sidney Powell's lawsuit in Michigan there are former US Army Intel agents willing to testify. BREAKING:
Laurel Duggan  The Portland city government offered time off for bereavement for all forms of pregnancy loss, including abortions, starting Sept. 29.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law last week a bill that makes the state a “sanctuary” for gender-confused children who want to transition medically without the knowledge or consent of their parents. It is a monstrous law that undermines parental rights and puts at risk the mental and…

Trump’s campaign hits a wall

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Donald Trump’s campaign for the White House is teetering amid dismal poll numbers, racially tinged controversies and a rising chorus of criticism from within the GOP.
Carol Hafner is running for Congress as a candidate on Alaska’s Democrat primary ballot. The only problem is, Hafner lists a home address in New Jersey. Not only has she never even been to Alaska, the Democratic candidate said she has no plans to campaign in the state, but is serious about her run, the …
WikiLeaks documents reveal CIA agents were given cover identities and diplomatic passports to enter the country. The base was used to develop hacking tools as part of the CIA's massive digital arsenal.
Rachel Diamond looks like most of the moms at the Park Slope café where we meet. Except the 31-year-old isn’t a mom. And she never will be.
The Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights is intended as a call to action for the U.S. government to safeguard digital and civil rights in an AI-fueled world,...

Fighting Terror with Stupidity

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Instead of addressing the problem of terrorism after Orlando, the left implausibly blames Christians and focuses on linguistic trivia.
Trevor Noah, host of "The Daily Show," is under fire for an unfunny (and racist) bit he did in a comedy show in which he says all Aboriginal women are unattractive.
CNN was widely-mocked on Thursday evening over a report knocking the Trump administration for its "lack of diversity" in the task force combatting the coronavirus. 
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said on Nov. 29 that he is aware of “a lot of fraud” in the U.S. presidential election.
Government is considering payments of $450,000 per person affected by Trump administration’s zero-tolerance policy in 2018 for asylum seekers illegally crossing border.