The congressman alleged Tlaib attended a conference with reported connections to terrorism financiers
Republican Glenn Youngkin secured victory over Democrat Terry McAuliffe in Virginia's governor election Tuesday, marking a stunning victory in a state that went solidly for Biden just a year ago.
The average ACT score for high school graduates in 2022 was a full half a point lower than the year before and the lowest composite score average in three decades, according to a new report.
Hillary Clinton has just one more day to explain why she shouldn't have to testify under oath as part of a Freedom of Information Act case looking into aide Huma Abedin's special employment arrangement.
A majority of Americans in a new
Investors are hoping for more business opportunities in the Middle East.
This is NOT supposed to be how the direct examination of your own witnesses is done.
Plastic produce bags will soon be a thing of the past for California grocery shoppers. The state will effectively ban plastic produce bags from supermarkets after a new bill, SB 1046, was signed in…
A recording of an NYPD officer appearing to pressure a transit officer to specifically target black men has just been released by Gawker.
Candace Owens credited "leftist media" with "inciting violence and hate" during an interview with Breitbart News's Curt Schilling.
Daily Caller -- Megan Youngren, a biologically male marathon runner who identifies as a transgender woman, is set to compete in the USA Olympic trials on Feb. 29. “People will try to put it down by saying, ‘That’s too easy because you&…

No to Becerra | National Review

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Amid a once-in-a-century pandemic, Biden has selected a left-wing culture warrior as his administration’s top health official.
Special counsel John Durham’s indictment of Igor Danchenko illustrates that he has his sights set on the Clinton campaign.
Reports The War Zone obtained reveal new details about swarming incidents off Southern California in 2019 and many more across the Pacific.
The head of Cleveland's largest police union is calling on Ohio Gov. John Kasich to temporarily tighten the state's gun laws during this week's Republican National Convention following Sunday's shooting in Louisiana that killed three officers and wounded at least three others.
Early Friday, NewsBusters reported that CNN spent only one minute of airtime on the recanting of a former Ohio State University wrestler’s allegations against Ohio Republican Congressman Jim Jordan. After reviewing coverage of the original NBC article which leveled the claims against Jordan, NewsBusters found that there was a massive discrepancy in reporting.
Online Source – World Net Daily As we confront the many life-and-death political and cultural battles increasingly wracking America – including a presidential election just around the corner,…
U.S. Senate hopeful Rev. Raphael Warnock reportedly was arrested 18 years ago for "hindering and obstructing" a police investigation into suspected child abuse at a summer camp...

Lessons from the 2021 elections

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

How you assess the results of last Tuesday’s elections depends in some measure on your personal biases.
As a family physician in Austin’s community clinics for 13 years, I saw hundreds of patients without health insurance. Some of their stories still haunt me.

I Choose Ted

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

If the choice is between suspending the rules of decency or accepting that we are in uncharted waters and conscience must light the way, I choose Ted.
PHOENIX - On Thursday, Senator Sonny Borelli declared Senate Bill 1625, dead on arrival in a tweet. The bill, sponsored by 12 Democrats would ban possession and sale of assault weapon or large capacity magazine. The Bill is D.O.A. and will NOT be heard in Committee. https://t.co/kJL4YCC8yt— Sonny Borrelli (@SonnyBorrelli) February 13, 2020 Arizona Congressman...
Fifteen Republican state legislators in Michigan joined Texas' lawsuit asking the Supreme Court to turn the election results over to legislatures.
Last week, John Durham’s grand jury issued its third criminal indictment in the Trump-Russia collusion hoax. The person who was arrested may be obscure; the...
Gee, Arizona Democrats, maybe you should have examined Kari Lake more closely before you meddled in the GOP primary.