Rep. Eric Swalwell mocked the notion of parents making major decisions in the education of their children.
In an earlier article I touched on the withering attack on the 2nd Amendment that has subsided to a “dull throb” for the moment.  A large portion of that is “Operation Choke Point,” the regulatory …
Vice President Mike Pence became the most recent American to get Pfizer's COVID vaccine Friday morning. Although the media said it couldn't be done, Operation Warp Speed, the public-private partnership
Activists have betrayed what’s left of the proletariat
It's been a wild year and a half in the still relatively young Trump presidency, which has been marked by perpetual #resistance, Trump's ongoing war with the "Fake News Media," and a steady flow of outrage from Trump critics — sometimes over legitimate mistakes, but often just a symptom of Trump
Who better to have as president during the coronavirus epidemic but a renowned germaphobe, the “build-the-wall” guy who refuses to kowtow to China? It’s a unique set of characteristics showing that…
New York's unemployment rate is nearly 10 percent and roughly one-third of small businesses in New York City may have closed forever. Seems like a great time to make it more expensive to employ people, right?
'Did you ever think you'd be paying this much for a gallon of gas?' Biden wants to know.
While we do not know who is speaking the truth in this messy story, the FBI does — and its silence is horrifying.
Former Texas Governor Rick Perry beats U.S. Senator Ted Cruz in a hypothetical 2018 GOP senate primary poll.
Contrary to what the Left seems to think, the 1950s was an age of a whole lot of guns—and nowhere near as much butter as we have today.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., praised the coronavirus stimulus bill that's poised to pass Congress Monday after months of stalled negotiations, but added that Democrats could have had the same deal months ago had they not prioritized damaging President Trump's reelection hopes.
The latest report by Syndicated Analytics titled  “ Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) Production Cost Analysis  2021-2026: Capital Investment, Manufacturing Process, Raw Materials, Operating Cost,...
Our internet overlords were unaware I had made the purchase and, thus, had yet to be appeased....
The national debt this year will jump to the highest level since 1950 relative to the size of the economy, the Congressional Budget Office reported Tuesday. The agency projected that the debt held by the public will rise 3 percentage points to 77 percent of U.S. gross domestic product by the end of fiscal year 2016 in September. Debt has not hit that ratio since 1950, when the government was still in the middle of paying down the debt it incurred paying for World War II. Over the next 10 years, the office sees the debt rising from 77 percent of GDP to 86 percent. Beyond that, it's supposed to keep rising as interest costs on the debt mount, along with payments for Social Security, Medicare, and other mandatory programs. The debt held by the public includes on the debt issued in the form of Treasury securities held by investors, and not the debt the government owes itself through the Social Security and Medicare trust funds.
A group of boys at Marshall Middle School in Virginia say they were told to remove their Make America Great Again ball caps. Last week the school in Fauquier County held a fundraiser. Any student

The Narrative Is the Priority

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

According to the media, Kyle Rittenhouse was a white supremacist. According to the media, Kyle Rittenhouse was an active shooter. According to the media, Kyle Rittenhouse was a murderer.In reality,
Dozens of Republican-backed school board candidates and superintendents who emphasized parental rights won in areas where other Republicans s
In a press conference meant to address a series of racist and violent comments he has made over the last two days, Maine Governor Paul LePage again attempted to justify his remarks about categorizing alleged drug dealers by race, arguing that doing so was an appropriate way to "identify the ene
Amid #MeToo, Sil Lai Abrams was ready to go public with MSNBC's Joy Reid about horrific claims against the music mogul and A.J. Calloway. But as the vetting process dragged on and Reid accused her employer of "slow walking" the story with "stupid" requests, Abrams feared being "silenced." Now, based on documents, witnesses, private text messages and several court orders, her account of the men — and the network — is revealed.
Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden is taking heat on Twitter after a video of a confrontation between him and members of the group Iraq Veterans Against the War went viral.
It now appears that the greatest threat to black Americans isn't COVID, it's being pandered to death.As the distribution of vaccines got underway last week, the Centers for Disease Control