Remember how Eric Holder had threatened to disband the Ferguson, Mo., police department on the grounds it was racist? And before that, how he was asking Judge Shira Scheindlin to grant his Justice ...
There’s a difference between a home run and a grand slam.
NEW YORK (AP) — Mayor Bill de Blasio, promoting his message of income equality and empowering the less fortunate, pressed influential New York City business leaders on Thursday to raise their workers' starting pay to $13 an hour.
Donald Trump, who has championed anti-free-trade rhetoric on the campaign trial, took a different tone toward globalization in a 2013 op-ed published online.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES RINOS, (Traitors), whatever you would like to call them on the S 22 Sunday Cloture vote are listed below. There were a few brave souls that showed up to voice their opposition (12) with some good comments by Tom Coburn and Jim Demint and a couple of others. I should have been at church praying for the country instead | Read More »
A surprise late change to the polling criteria
First, photos of Oprah and Weinstein emerged. Now this shocking accusation....
On Friday, Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar, along with Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D-AZ) and Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ), sent a letter to DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson and ICE Deputy Assistant Secretary Saldaña warning them not to release an illegal immigrant with drug-resistant tuberculosis into the general public.
President Obama had better watch his step: Jews around the world have counted on America as their ally. The Netanyahu-Obama dynamic is now openly hostile.
One of the worst legacies of the gay rights movement has been to popularize the ‘born this way’ meme. It shouldn’t give pedophiles cover.
Even Michael Jordan gets more votes than Hillary
SACRAMENTO, CA—In a move that puts into ink what most Americans have known for decades now, Governor Jerry Brown announced Wednesday that the State of California has voted to officially secede from reality. “This is just a formality, really. We’ve been in our own little world for some time now, as everybody knows,” Brown said …
Oprah Winfrey Interviews Donald Trump in 1988 Donald Trump for President 2016
Officials at the Gettysburg National Military Park said Wednesday that the monuments at the expansive Pennsylvania battlefield will stay despite unrest over Confederate memorials.
https://youtu.be/0Ppx2sQSUo0 The Trump administration plans to limit sales of US civil nuclear technology to China out of concerns that it is being diverted for military and other unauthorized purposes. CNN reports the decision is the result
Sleuths are unleashed under the guise of “counterintelligence” and “background checks” — whatever pretext is needed to get their foot in the door.
A diversity training session for the Army turned into a lecture on âwhite privilege
A government watchdog says the Obama administration is continuing to award multi-million-dollar contracts to firms to quickly process millions of illegal immigrants, despite a federal court's decision to put a stay on the president's amnesty order.
Ex-New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said his office has received death threats since his comments accusing President Barack Obama of not loving America.
Ted Cruz contradicts himself repeatedly in an interview with Bret Baier and 12/16/15.
Netanyahu can be expected to repeat Iran hawks' exaggerated, false warnings about a non-existent "existential threat" verbatim.
Jeremiah Thomas, my friend and pro-life warrior was laid to rest last week. Jeremiah’s funeral was the best funeral I have ever been to
“"I fully support President Obama's plan to make community college free," Clinton says #highered”
A San Francisco 49ers cheerleader took a knee during the playing of the national anthem on Thursday night, in what appears to be the first