
The Supreme Court will decide Friday whether to review an appeals court decision enabling the most blatant federal land grab since the federal government broke a treaty with the Cherokee Nation to seize millions of acres of Cherokee land in Oklahoma at the end of the 19th century. The American Farm Bureau, an association of farmers, has sued the Environmental Protection Agency to restrain the agency from assuming the authority to say whether and how a farmer can plant crops on his own property.


Is America really number 1? Is American truly the Land of the Free? -- No, not even close. Here are 10 things America is number 1 at, and they're nothing to be proud of.


CNN's Over-Hyped McDougal Interviews Bombs [VIDEO]
Submitted 6 years ago by BluePillSheep .com • trump mcdougal cnn
After Anderson Cooper Interviewed Karen McDougal, the CNN panel ripped into the former Playboy Playmate for misleading reporters about her accusations.


We all know that the only reason you would deliberately and premeditatedly set up a private email address and server is to have total control over your communications — to keep people away from those communications and to retain the ability to edit and delete your content.


The exclusive ABC News video shows ICE agents removing 95-year-old Jakiw Palij from his Jackson Heights home in a wheelchair Monday. He was then put on a stretcher and taken away.


Filling in for Stephanie Ruhle during Thursday’s 9:00 a.m. ET hour, MSNBC anchor Chris Jansing related how people from other countries “don’t understand what they call America’s obsession with guns” and joined her guests in claiming that the push for gun restrictions was “not a progressive/conservative issue.”


Surprise! Hypocrite Adam Schiff Pulled A Trump Jr Before Trump Jr.
Submitted 7 years ago by Blue Pill Sheep • russia rusian collusion hypocrite adam schiff schiff trump maga schiffforbrains
Colluding with Russians and Putin Promising They Have Dirt On Your Political Opponent That Will Ruin Them. Sounds Like Donald Trump Jr. WRONG! It's None Other Than That Traitorous Democrat From California Adam Schiff.


Her violations of public records rules indicate little regard for the people's right to information.


"The newspaper is no longer the same, Charlie is now under artistic and editorial suffocation." — Zineb el Rhazoui, French-Tunisian intellectual and journalist, author of Destroying Islamic Fascism. "We must continue to portray Muhammad and Charlie; not


'This train wreck' from Clarence Thomas' time 'is happening again' with Brett Kavanaugh's nomination


U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts on Monday rejected a New Mexico lawyer's long-shot bid to force a Senate confirmation vote on President Barack Obama's Supreme Court pick, Merrick Garland, after Republican senators refused to act on his nomination.


Senators slammed the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General Wednesday for enabling the agency's misdeeds instead of acting as an independent watchdog.
The Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee voted to require all inspectors general to make their recommendations available to the public, to Congress and whistleblowers.
The move came in response to the refusal of the Veterans Affairs inspector general to share some reports â including several draft reports focused on fraudulent treatment scheduling in the department â with Congress in a timely fashion.
VA OIG completed a report that uncovered troubling practices at the Tomah VA, and provided recommendations ... this report was never reported to Secretary [Robert] McDonald, the Congress, or the public, said Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis.
The report was requested by a member of Congress and the VA failed to provide it even to the member. ... The failure of the VA OIG to appropriately share this report ... is simply unacceptable, she said.


Sally Brown, a candidate for the chair Democratic National Committee from Iowa, told an audience during a candidate's forum that she is reaching out to black...


A new review of the psychological literature on microaggressions finds the concept highly problematic. By Alex Fradera


Extreme heat is here to stay and we need to prepare for more of it to come, says a climate scientist who suggests rising temperatures could lead to eco-refugees making their way to Canada in the decades to come.


A man was fatally shot and two more people were wounded inside a Subway restaurant in the South Side Chatham neighborhood, according to Chicago Police.


Please share this video. We need to send a loud and clear message to those arrogant Hollywood elitists! Make America Great Again!


There are now credible allegations that Pope Francis knew all about sexual misconduct allegations regarding disgraced Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, and that he attempted to cover them up and restore McCarrick to a public position.


What's the matter with Janesville? VIDEO


Nonie Darwish Moment: Why Moderate Muslims Can't Destroy ISIS. Nonie Darwish (Author, “The Devil We Don’t Know”) --------------------------------------------...


A president’s words, including his lies, are fully relevant to an assessment of his fitness for office. And, as the Framers appreciated and our history has shown, the leader who is a classic demagogue, pursuing political self-interest with a rhetoric characterized by falsehoods and disparagement, is a grave threat to democracy.


Fifty years ago, Medicare was sold on the promise that it would unite the nation. But with Medicareâs unfunded liabilities approaching $100 trillion â a shor...


Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon) says she has nothing to hide in her emails and that this scandal won't stop her from becoming president, if she decides to run.