That's right boys and girls after a year and half of nothing, Adam Schiff now claims they really haven't had time to really take a good hard look into "Money Laundering."
Colluding with Russians and Putin Promising They Have Dirt On Your Political Opponent That Will Ruin Them. Sounds Like Donald Trump Jr. WRONG! It's None Other Than That Traitorous Democrat From California Adam Schiff.
During a 2013 appearance on Russia Propaganda TV, Adam Schiff the hypocritical Democrat from California went on RT, advocating for more transparency of the NSA spying program, the FISA Court and "The American People's Right To Know" what the FBI was doing in their name.
Former Federal Prosecutor Frank Figliuzz went on MSNBC and called for a criminal investigation of Representative Devin Nunes If the FISA Memo is released to the public.