Signing Omnibus today was tragic.
Trudeau's carbon tax could cripple the economies of Western provinces, which rely heavily on energy-intensive industries.
“Facebook is almost an arm of the Democratic Party — an arm of the far-left wing of the Democratic Party.” So said the former Facebook insider as we sat down for an interview at a Midtown restauran…
Given that the CDC says vaccinated people can still spread the delta variant, how do vaccine mandates and passports make any sense?
Rising stars of the new right publicly bash elites for being disconnected from 'real America' while privately maintaining exclusive social lives.
We endorsed Chris Christie in the New Hampshire Presidential Primary. Watching Christie kiss the Donald's ring this weekend — and make excuses for the man Christie himself had said was unfit for the presidency — demonstrated how wrong we were.
Fox News' Tucker Carlson revealed another exclusive report on Google's surveillance Wednesday, and it is seriously creepy.
Democrats object as the GOP imitates their vote-collection methods.
As the federal government releases historic sums of pandemic aid to the nation’s schools, it’s urging them to dream big, to invest in seismic changes that will benefit students for generations to come.
Nearly 20% of gay men who are contracting monkeypox in the U.S. reported having 10 or more partners in the three weeks before symptoms onset

Michael Moore on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Once again:Yesterday's election in those southern states was not a real election because so many black citizens were prohibited from voting.”
President Trump has tapped a new assistant secretary of defense for strategy, Marine Corps University’s James Anderson.
"Some of you have accused me of being a traitor to my country, a Russian asset, a Trojan horse, or a useful idiot, I think was the term that you used," declared Gabbard, directing her comments to Behar, seated beside her, "which basically means that I am naive or lack intelligence."
Afghans stand out among the refugees committing crimes in Austria and elsewhere. Why?
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy promised to investigate the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Attorney General Merrick Garland following the FBI’s raid
The research suggests a disturbing relationship between prejudice and politics.
The ruling is a win for the American Civil Liberties Union in its ongoing legal battle with the Office of Refugee Resettlement.

The Columbia Bugle

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

“Tucker Carlson on New Anti-White Curriculum Being Taught in Schools Across the United States "It will be forced on your kids and you'll pay for it with your tax dollars. No one will ask you whether you like it or not, and don't bother to complain!" https://t.co/DWzLPdnqLm”

Mount Touchmore...

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

533 views on Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Republican Florida State Rep. Anthony Sabatini called for the state to arrest FBI agents conducting law enforcement outside Florida's purview Monday.
SUPPORTERS of presidential hopeful Donald Trump have demanded rival Ted Cruz “disavow” a controversial preacher who called for the death penalty for gay people moments before sharing a stage with the Texas Senator.
Director Joss Whedon regularly slams Republicans on Twitter in the meanest ways possible. His new anti-Trump assault, though, marks a new low for him.
EXCLUSIVE: A newly filed complaint to the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) alleges that the whistleblower whose allegations touched off the House Democrats' impeachment inquiry may have violated federal law by indirectly soliciting more than a quarter-million dollars from mostly anonymous sources via a GoFundMe page. 

The Hunter Biden Story in 5 Minutes

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

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