There are at least 24 students from a Sacramento-area school district who are now stranded in Afghanistan by President Joe Biden.
Drag queen Shea Couleé will reportedly star in an upcoming Marvel series on Disney+.
The former Florida governor plans to meet with Senator Ted Cruz, Gov. John Kasich and Senator Marco Rubio — but not Donald J. Trump — in Miami before Thursday night’s debate.
The spring elections in Wisconsin did not go the way the Republican Party wanted. Where did the GOP make errors and what do they portend for the future?
Lev Parnes – Adam Schiff’s great Ukrainian Hope Earlier this week FOX News learned that Lev Parnas was prepared to testify before the Schiff show trial against the Trump Administration. Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman are the two associates of Rudy Giuliani from Ukraine who were indicted by the Southern District of New York in …
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — With concerns rising in Pennsylvania that tens of thousands of mail-in ballots will be discarded in the presidential election over technicalities, officials in the...
Pro-life Christians are celebrating enactment of the Texas Heartbeat Bill – not because we are heartless or misogynistic, but because a baby in the womb is a human being with rights and dignity and purpose … and no one has the right to snuff out the life of that child.
Hayden responded to a tweet noting that Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were convicted of spying for the Soviet Union, were executed.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES During the GOP debate, Dana Bash asked Donald Trump about what he would do to make Social Security solvent. He went on about waste and fraud: He thought that would be enough but Bash was ready. She followed up and said cutting waste would only save $3 billion and asked Trump how he would come up with the $150 | Read More »
When Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg takes the stand before a joint congressional panel on Tuesday, he will not be under oath, Breitbart News has learned. But he will be required by federal statute to tell the truth, and if he lies he could face serious legal consequences.
We’re not a racist nation. We’re a nation that wars against racism.
They made a complete mess, and now it could endanger us...
Sean Duffy, Jackie DeAngelis and Andrew McCarthy weigh in on the ongoing controversy surrounding the FBI's unprecedented raid against former President Donald...
Anchorage, Alaska, is set to become the first U.S. city to reject a bill barring transgender people from using the bathroom that matches their gender identity, ABC News reported.
What's the story?
Nearly 53 percent of voters cast their ballots against Proposition 1, which would have repealed part of a 2015 "anti-discrimination" ordinance that allowed transgenders to use the bathroom of their choice. If the proposition had passed, the law would have forced people to use the bathroom that matches their gender at birth.
Once the final tally is certified next week, the city will become the "first to defeat such an effort in a stand-alone ballot measure," Alex Morash, a National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund spokesman, told Newsweek.
Voting ended April 3 — with repeal effort losing 53-47 percent as of Monday, and nearly 78,000 votes counted — and only several hundred votes left to count, according to ABC News.
Jim and Kim Minnery and their group, Alaska Family Action, ?
Sunday, during an appearance on CNN, Biden medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci offered the possibility that a three-dose regimen may be the proper regimen for immunization against the coronavirus. | Clips
On July 27, New Hampshire’s Executive Council voted to reject “family planning” contracts with abortion providers in the state.
Bernie Sanders has pitched himself in the race for 2016 as the candidate who will fight for the little guy.
In 1976, the Nobel-prize winning economist, F.A. Hayek, published The Mirage of Social Justice, the second volume of his magnum opus Law, Legislation and Liberty.1 Despite being widely regarded as the definitive critique of social justice, today one would be lucky to find advocates of social justice in the academy who are familiar with the name ‘Hayek’, let alone those who have read him. Among classical liberals, libertarians, and conservatives alike, Hayek is one of the most important thinkers of the twentieth century whose The Road to Serfdom represents one of the most powerful arguments against socialism ever written.2 But those in the academy who have perpetuated socialist ideas since the 1980s have practically ignored it. In this article, I will argue that this unwillingness to engage with the ‘other side’ is not only endemic in the radical intellectual schools that have overtaken literary studies, but also that it is symptomatic of their entire way of thinking which, being hermetically sealed and basically circular in its argumentation, has no language to deal with critics beyond ?
The organizer who planned the event told CNN when he arrived. They learned that there would be no audience at all so it was canceled.
White House senior adviser Jared Kushner said Monday that in order for the president’s policies to be most effective, Black Americans must want to succeed.
A Google employee program claims that America is a “system of white supremacy” and that all Americans are “raised to be racist.”
On Wednesday, Gov. Ron DeSantis publicly called on veterans to join Florida’s new veteran teaching program, which allows veterans who have not yet earned