
OTTAWA - When the Trump administration issued an immigration ban on citizens of seven majority Muslim countries a year ago, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sent out an unambiguous tweet about Canada's stance on refugees and asylum seekers. "To those fleeing persecution, terror and war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength," Trudeau wrote on Jan. 28. But when U.S. Homeland Security announced this week that it was withdrawing Temporary Protected Status, or TPS, for 200,000 Salvadorans, giving them 18 months to sort out their immigration status permanently or face deportation, the reaction from the Canadian government was more muted. Fearing an influx


Democrat representatives are challenging Trump’s introduction of regulations for the treatment of the unaccompanied minors in immigration detention.


They're shifting from a focus on mail-in voting to promoting more in-person voting as well.


Senate Democrats swooped in to rescue Dr. Anthony Fauci during a hearing on Capitol Hill Tuesday morning after he was confronted by Republican Senator Rand Paul about his role in

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Melania Knauss-Trump, Lacena "Candy" Carson, Jeanette Dousdebes Rubio and Heidi Nelson Cruz are the women behind the candidates at the head of the 2016 Republican presidential pack.


The Crime Prevention Research Center is proud to reveal new research that analyzes unique newly released data on crime rates by illegal aliens. Please download a copy: available here. From the abstract: Using newly released detailed data on all prisoners who entered the Arizona state prison from January 1985 through June 2017, we are able to separate ?


Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam agrees to withdraw the extradition bill that drove massive crowds to the streets for the past three months, but the prot...


With many criticizing 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden of hiding in his basement for the majority of his campaign, presidential debates seemingly would be a good way for the former vice president to refute claims of a decline in mental cognizance and that he is pushing a socialist agenda. | Clips


The January 6 show trial is partly about persecuting political opponents. But it's also about covering up the truth of the 2020 election.


Wellesley College students are okay with him on campus, but not in a leadership position.


Trump boasted about unemployment for African-Americans hitting a record low of 6.8 percent in December, the lowest rate for that group since the government began tracking data in the early 1970s.


John Bolton: Shocking to imagine that sending plane loads of cash to the Iranian regime and allowing them to openly enrich uranium would result in a failed deal.


State Rep. Attica Scott was among several demonstrators who were booked Thursday as they were gathered at a church in downtown Louisville.


Country music star Lee Greenwood talked with Fox News Digital ahead of the 4th of July and a busy schedule of performing — and revealed his thoughts about America, freedom and family.


The Division of Conscience and Religious Freedom is being established to aid health workers with objections rooted in conscience or religion to treating certain people and performing some procedures.


A vegan activist in Spain who claimed to have been attacked by an angry mob last week — after she “rescued” 16 rabbits from their farm — wound up causing the deaths of nearly 100 baby b…


US--Democrats across the country have declared President Trump's third Supreme Court Justice nominee Amy Coney Barrett racist for only having two black children.
"I mean if she had three children she adopted from Haitian orphanages, then she'd be okay in my book, but two? She's literally Hitler,"


Police in Canada are investigating more than 15 suspicious fires set in recent weeks at churches that politicians and law enforcement officials speculate are being targeted by those angry over the recent discoveries of unmarked graves at schools for indigenous children.


"Too Late To Apologize: a Declaration" is Soomo's first satirical video project and is part of our ongoing effort to facilitate learning in creative, innovat...


“Conservatives can win when they refuse to be bullied by elites into silence.”


Amid the current media frenzy surrounding President Donald Trump’s yearly physical and cognitive exam, a group of cocky reporters agreed to undergo the same mental test which the president aced. They undoubtedly expected to find


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Finally selecting James Comey’s replacement as head of the department, President Donald Trump named McGruff the Crime Dog as FBI Director Wednesday morning.The large, cuddly, anthropomorphic canine detective was announced as Comey’s replacement at a White House press conference.“McGruff is a real nasty dog—just th …


As the Supreme Court vindicates the administration’s approach to abortions for immigrant teens, it’s time to bring this episode to its rightful conclusion.