
Why are some of the most privileged students in the nation plunging into a racial grievance culture and upending their campuses as though oppressed by Halloween costumes they don’t approve, imagined racial slights, portraits of Woodrow Wilson, a tiny handful of real racial epithets, and the like?The reasons are of course multifaceted. But one deserves far more attention than it has gotten: Many or most of the African-American student protesters really are victims — but not of old-fashioned racism.Most are, rather, victims of the very large admissions preferences that set up racial-minority students for academic struggle at the selective universities that have cynically misled them into thinking they are well qualified to compete with classmates who are, in fact, far stronger academically.The reality is that most good black and Hispanic students, who would be academically competitive at many selective schools, are not competitive at the more selective schools that they attend.


On Friday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions lavished praise on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand. Sessions? remarks came on the same day the FISA memo was released. Jeff Sessions said this morning that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand "both represent the kind of quality and ?


PM defends action on Article 370 at massive joint rally in Houston


The tweet has been liked and shared more than any of his previous ones


How bad are things for Joe Biden? So bad that even The New York Times is getting restless.


Syndicated Analytics latest report titled “Hemp Oil Manufacturing Plant Project Report: Industry Trends, Project Report, Manufacturing Process, Plant Setup, Machinery, Raw Materials, Investment Opportunities, Cost and Revenue 2022-2027” covers all the aspects including industry performance, key success and risk factors, manufacturing requirements, project costs, and economics, expected returns on investment, profit margins, etc. required […]


Planned Parenthood kills unborn children. They sell the body parts of some of those unborn children to research facilities. All of this is true. But according to the left, even stating such facts drives insane people to murder doctors at abortion clinics. Thus, such factual talk must be curbed. Intellectual luminary Bette Midler tweeted: Thanks to overheated screeds spewing from the mouths of the GOP, and in Congress, innocent people have died in CO, including a policeman.


Hillary: That Dirty Russian Dossier on Trump That We Lied About Paying For Was Just Opposition Research - Katie Pavlich: Twice failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is finally admitting .02/05/2018 14:55:24PM EST.


Monday was the culmination of a year’s worth of programmatic, propagandistic proselytization, as a 16-year-old Swedish child with a developmental disability took to a podium at the United Nations to harangue and insult the leaders of the free world over...


MOUNT DOOM—Governor Gretchen Whitmer is refusing to throw the Ring of Power back into Mount Doom, despite the Michigan Supreme Court ordering her to return it into the fires whence it came."Throw it into the fire! Destroy it!" shouted a judge sitting on the court, after leading Whitmer to the Cracks of Doom. "We can end this all right now! …


"I make a joke about an obviously crazy idea to highlight the hypocrisy of the left, but these authoritarian libs are so unhinged and braindead"...


U.S. Sen. Rick Scott has been hammered in recent weeks saying that every American should pay something in taxes so we all have “skin in the game.” It was


Mark Levin: The Government Puts Agenda Over Our Safety.


"Associates" of 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and former appointees of then-President Barack Obama fed information to former British spy Christopher Steele, author of a discredited dossier of allegations against President Donald Trump, two


Two airport experiences over 24 hours tell us all we need to know about America’s misplaced security priorities. On Sunday, a multiple-sclerosis-afflicted friend in her 60s who walks with a cane wa…


Forces looking to avoid the major budget cuts that state government needs to make will tell you that Gov. Andrew Cuomo has saved enough to avoid the need for big cutbacks. But that relies on some t…


Hey you! Yes, you, random American and/or citizen of the world.


“Bless you prison, bless you for being in my life. For there, lying upon the rotting prison straw, I came to realize that the object of life is not prosperity as we are made to believe, but the maturity of the human soul.”


Monday morning, Attorney General Loretta Lynch found herself needing to backtrack on her comments last week that seemed to imply that the Department of Justice will come after anyone speaking disparagingly to Muslims. "Of course, we prosecute deeds and not words," Lynch said at a press conference.


Friday on The View, the most liberal host and most conservative host clashed repeatedly in a feisty exchange over the domestic violence accusations against former White House aide, Rob Porter. While host Meghan McCain focused on Porter himself, host Joy Behar couldn’t help but bitterly gripe about how terrible Republicans and this administration were, which angered McCain.


Opinion - Since the collapse of the ancient and post classical African civilisations, the intrepid explorer and bounty hunter has always eyed Africa as a game prize. The early 'exploration' and exploitation of Africa began with the wars inspired to procure slaves for export of labour to the Middle East, Europe and Americas.


For conservatives yearning for a non-Trumpian example of how to stand up to bullies, look to Colorado. Jack Phillips, the most persecuted baker in


A Minnesota district judge blocked a number of pro-life protections in the state, including waiting period and parental consent laws.


Voters will grow more cynical if some Americans are allowed to lie to the Congress, the FBI & the courts, while the less connected others go to jail for much less ...