Considerations related to climate change and diversity, equity, and inclusion may violate contracts and state law, the 21 attorneys general said.
Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday revealed Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández told him that the migrant caravan marching toward the U.S.-Mexico border is "financed by Venezuela." | Politics
Joe Biden has struggled to remain relevant since he announced his presidential campaign in April 2019. That task became a lot more difficult since the outbreak of coronavirus. Before his campaign f…
It looks like Jen Psaki and the White House press corps are going to get along just fine.

Trump’s Favorability Skyrockets

Submitted 1 year ago by ActRight Community

The MAGA movement is getting even stronger. Donald Trump’s favorability has skyrocketed since December. NEW POLL: Trump's Net Favorability rating ...
It's not looking good for the 'Fuller House' star
The New START treaty was signed in 2010 by Obama and then Russian President Medvedev, it limits each country to no more than 1,550 deployed nuclear warheads but expires on February 5.
Nearly two-thirds of voters in New Hampshire oppose an amnesty provision for illegal immigrants in the “Build Back Better” legislation, which is supported by the state’s Democratic senators.
The rising awareness and concerns among consumers regarding the harmful effects of plastic on the environment are primarily driving the paper bag market across the globe. In line with this, the government authorities of various nations are imposing a ban on plastic and supporting the adoption of biodegradable packaging solutions, including paper bags, which is further catalyzing the market growth.
Financial Times chief foreign affairs columnist Gideon Rachman explains why the current US president may go down as a leader who changed the course of history and embodied the spirit of an age, whether he is ultimately successful or not. If future historians do indeed decide that Mr. Trump was a Hegelian world-historic figure, what might they say? (Read more on the Financial Times site) GIDEON RACHMAN, FINANCIAL TIMES: When Donald Trump spoke at the UN last month, the audience laughed at him. It was an unprecedented insult to an American president. But I have an uneasy suspicion that Mr. Trump may have the last laugh. The 45th US president could yet go down as a leader who changed the course of history and embodied the spirit of an age. The German philosopher Georg Hegel wrote about world-historical figures, could Mr. Trump be one of them? To qualify for that title you don't have to be a good person or even intelligent. You just have to change history. The quintessential world-historical figure of Hegel's era was Napoleon, whom the German thinker described as the "world-spirit on horseback." As the current president of France, Emmanuel Macron, explained, "Hegel viewed great men as instruments of something much greater. He believes that an individual can indeed embody the zeitgeist (world spirit) for a moment, but also that the individual isn't always clear they are doing so." If future historians do indeed decide that Mr. Trump was a Hegelian world-historic figure, what might they say? First, that he broke decisively with the elite consensus about how the US should handle its relationship with the rest of the world. His method was to use U.S. power much more overtly and brutally in an effort to rewrite the rules of the global order to the U.S.'s advantage. In particular, Mr Trump decided that globalisation, embraced by all his predecessors, was actually a terrible idea that was weakening America's relative power and eroding the living standards of its people. Mr. Trump also decided that a richer and more powerful China was obviously bad news for America -- and he became the first president to try to block China's rise. Whether or not this is a good idea, it is undoubtedly a historic development, because it reverses more than 40 years of American foreign policy. On the domestic front, future historians might note that Mr. Trump was the first president to notice the huge gap that had opened up between elite American opinion and that of the wider public -- on a range of issues from immigration, to trade, to identity politics. But will all this radicalism be crowned with success? From a Trumpian perspective, the early signs are positive -- the U.S. economy is booming while China's is sputtering. The U.S. Supreme Court has been reshaped. Under crushing American pressure, Mexico and Canada have agreed to rewrite their trade deal with America, and Mr. Trump stands a good chance of re-election in 2020. Of course, it could all still go wrong. The Trump trade wars could backfire, the U.S. economy could overheat, the stock market could tank. In the worst case, Mr. Trump's confrontational style could lead to war with Russia and China. But even ultimate failure and disaster might not invalidate Mr. Trump's claim to be a truly historic president. Hegel suggested that things usually end badly for figures who re-shape history. They die early like Alexander, they are murdered like Caesar; or transported to St Helena like Napoleon. A cheering thought, perhaps, for Mr. Trump's many foes, if not for the man himself.
The fast food giant apologises and temporarily closes the outlet in Guangzhou after a sign said black people were barred from it.
Diners in Washington, DC and Detroit, Michigan will soon be able to consumer food indoors after weeks of closures and re-openings; raising questions over why both cities have decided to permit the activity they once blamed for spreading CoVID-19. “Indoor dining at restaurants and bars in Michigan will resume on Feb. 1, 75 days after […]
Biden seems to make some kind of gaffe every time he speaks publicly. It’s hard to tell whether this is because he is suffering from cognitive decline or because he doesn’t take his job...
The Florida Supreme Court on Monday rejected requests to halt a law that prevents abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Justices, in a 4-1 decision, turned down a motion by seven abortion clinics and a doctor for a stay of a ruling by the 1st…
Are we a sovereign nation?
Fox News reported late on Wednesday that U.S. officials say that the coronavirus originated in a Wuhan lab, and that Chinese communist officials blamed a wet market in Wuhan to deflect blame from the lab and destroyed evidence from the lab. “COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan laboratory not as a bioweapon, but as part of […]
"Those who are sickeningly intoxicated with power can’t incarcerate us all. As for the businesses terrorized by the political class in Carlsbad, they decided they no longer have any choice. Given the choice between going out of business and defying politicians, they chose the latter. Good for...
More than 4.4 million people signed an online petition calling for clemency for the truck driver who was sentenced to 110 years in prison for the deadly 2019 crash on Colorado’s I-70 that resulted in four deaths.
Jan 25, 2023 (SUPER MARKET RESEARCH via COMTEX) -- Syndicated Analytics latest report titled "Bricks Manufacturing Project Report: Industry Trends,...
Jerome Corsi met with special counsel this week

China and the Sound of Silence

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

There is not universal agreement about the origin and nature of transmission of COVID-19. Bats are suspected, as are pangolins, a delicacy also found in the so-
Ex-Donald Trump aide Sarah Sanders on Monday announced she's running to be governor of Arkansas. “With the radical ...

Aunt Lillian's Timely Grace

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

Seventeen years ago, I reprised a Christmas column I'd written in the 1990s for a Texas newspaper.The original column and the 2004 interpretation celebrated a holiday prayer conceived by my
?Hunter,? Jim Biden texted July 25, the day before Caroline?s plea deal was formalized. ?Caroline was made an offer and she told [Jim?s wife] Sara, not me, she couldn&…
An exhaustive investigation into the 11th hour sexual misconduct claims against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh concluded that there was ?no evidence? to back up any of the accusations. Moreover, the bombshell 414-page report by the Senate Judiciary Committee concluded that accuser Julie Swetnick and her ?Creepy Porn Lawyer? Michael Avenatti criminally conspired to lie to ?