Senate Republicans quickly rejected President Trump's push that they go "nuclear" and change Senate rules to eliminate the legislative filibuster in order to pass a funding bill with $5 billion for his wall on the Mexican border.
Defiling the European Union's emblem and other foreign flags will be classed as a hate crime.
HEAVEN - According to sources, the EIB southern command has been officially moved to an undisclosed location beyond the pearly gates of Heaven, where Rush Limbaugh's show has been renewed for an infinite number of seasons. In addition, Limbaugh has been granted access to Heaven's golden PA system where he will make the occasional announcement.  ...
In an appearance on NPR, Fried was asked about having previously referred to the Republican governor an “authoritarian dictator.”
Some pathetic Republican Senators are angry at Tucker Carlson for accurately describing the January 6 protest as "mostly peaceful."
These past few days, many publications and networks hysterically suggested the nation is approaching the brink of disaster.
Republicans are demanding that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo turn over a broad scope of redacted Obama-Biden State Department documents pertaining to the corrupt Ukrainian company that was at the center of the impeachment inquiry
France intends to investigate universities to root out “Islamo-leftist” teaching and ideas that are fracturing French society.
The COVID-19 narrative is retracting, if not collapsing, on many fronts. But that doesn’t mean Democrats are ready to throw in the towel. In fact, the
Book Rangaroon homestay directly through the property owner at the best price. Enjoy a delightful stay & get immersed in the beauty of this picturesque village.
Mick Mulvaney  said Friday on "Fox & Friends" that Nancy Pelosi is to blame for the government shutdown continuing into a second week.
The central tenet of the #MeToo movement is being memory-holed.
Customers and staff opened fire and killed an attacker who had begun shooting at individuals at Jefferson Gun Outlet just before...
A substitute teacher says she was canned for not “identifying” with all of her students, including a young boy who claims to be a cat. In a TikTok video, a woman going by the handle @crazy...
Senator Rand Paul has once again accused former chief medical adviser to the president Dr Anthony Fauci of engaging in an “elaborate coverup” of the origins of COVID-19.
Peter Jackson deftly brings to the movie screen the humanity of men caught up in one of history’s great cataclysms.

End New York City’s lockdown now!

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

By prolonging the coronavirus shutdown long after its core mission was accomplished, Gov. Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio have plunged tens of thousands of New Yorkers into poverty.
His job is to relay information to the public, not threaten doom, or coax or trick us into doing things.
President Biden has remained out of public view this week as he prepares for just his second solo White House press conference on Wednesday.
Independent journalist Matt Taibbi warned there was a 'total breakdown' of the 'role of the press' revealed after publishing the bombshell Twitter Files
President Trump plunged into a new year of work and partisan warfare Wednesday after 12 lonely shutdown days in the White House, pressuring Democrats for a deal on border security and reasserting his superiority on everything from the military to lawmakers who cross him.
A big construction project at JB Pritzker’s Wisconsin horse farm has some questioning whether the governor is honoring the spirit of his own stay-at-home order.
A Republican lawmaker wants to exclude illegal immigrants from all federal assistance programs. In his Smarter Plan for Immigrant Welfare bill introduced this month, Glenn Grothman proposed spending every cent of government aid only on American citizens.
Syndicated Analytics latest report titled “Chocolate Manufacturing Project Report: Industry Trends, Manufacturing Process, Plant Setup, Machinery, Raw Materials, Investment Opportunities,...
PLAINS, Georgia—Former President Jimmy Carter has reportedly asked President Joe Biden to give his eulogy,...