
The American College of Trial Lawyers has released a new report criticizing the way claims of sexual misconduct are currently investigated and adjudicated on college campuses nationwide. They argue that the procedures used by these institutions lack basic fairness for the accused. ACTL, an organization that “seeks to improve the standards of trial practice, professionalism, ethics, and the administration of justice” and selects only members who have demonstrated “the very highest standards of trial advocacy, ethical conduct, integrity, professionalism and collegiality,” acknowledges that colleges and universities are “in a double bind” when it comes to addressing sexual misconduct claims. Institutions ?


Rule One: If you want to sell anything --a candidacy, a message, a byline (and especially books)-- accept as many interviews as possible, giving priority to those settings with the largest audience, but understanding that ultimate audience often depends upon amplification of the first interview by social media. .02/26/2015 12:43:35PM EST.


The Ithaca College student government passed a bill last week to establish an online reporting system for hurt feelings over


In Fisher v. University of Texas, a Supreme Court majority appears ready to strike down affirmative action.


Several gun-related businesses were suddenly — and without warning — disrupted in recent weeks when Intuit stopped processing credit card payments because sales were gun-related, The Post has learn…


The top U.S. intelligence official on Thursday gave a drastically different assessment than Secretary of State John Kerry of the terror threat -- declaring 2014 the deadliest year for global terrorism ever recorded, after Kerry claimed that threat was diminishing.


Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES To recap: Tim Cook (please, please click this link) and the left are happy to do business in countries that stone to death or otherwise jail gay people, but will not do business with Indiana, which merely passed a law insisting that the “free exercise” clause of the first amendment be on the same legal footing in courts as | Read More »


Attorney General Jeff Sessions is having quite the busy day.


Fewer than 50 Special Operations advisers will work with resistance forces but will not engage in direct combat


Sounding like MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, The View’s Sunny Hostin argued Wednesday that she “believed in the 2nd Amendment” but wanted to see various types of guns “banned.” The show’s host echoed the other liberal hosts at the table in wondering “why” any American would need certain types of guns, modifiers and silencers. Hostin tried to have her cake and eat it too by saying she “didn’t want to take anyone’s guns away” but the government should “ban” several types of guns.


Police have identified the suspect as a 26-year-old man from Somalia. The city of Offenburg only has 60,000 people, but is regarded as a crime hotspot.


Name drawn out of a glass bowl.


AN Oxford student who knifed her lover in a drug and drink-fuelled frenzy may avoid jail — after a judge hinted she is too clever for prison. Aspiring heart surgeon Lavinia Woodward, 24, stabbed Th…


The Leon County school district said teacher Chloe Bressack's transfer was a mutual decision.


SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=17062 Don't you hate when Fox News and the other MSM spin-meisters use simple tricks to skew and misrepresent da...


Americans Target George Soros on White House Petition Page
Submitted 7 years ago by Blue Pill Sheep • soros trump alinsky obama hillary white house petition white house petition page
The White House’s petitions page is finally back online, and one of the first targets that the American people have in their sites is the Liberal Loony Toon, Nazi-sympathizer, George Soros.


Pedo defending Salon.com, who last year deleted an article written by a pedophile in order to publis


I spent some time talking to an incredibly nice, helpful, genuinely kind hard-Leftist who has dreams of a President Bernie Sanders. The wisdom of years has taught me that one makes no headway with ...


With Obama heading toward a potentially historic meeting with Cuban President Raul Castro this week, Trade and Foreign Investment Minister Rodrigo Malmierca criticized the US leader's limited steps to ease the crippling trade and financial embargo the United States has maintained on Cuba since 1962. After the old Cold War foes announced a historic rapprochement on December 17, Obama loosened several components of the embargo, allowing more travel from the United States to Cuba, raising the limit on cash remittances to the island and easing restrictions on certain kinds of trade, among other measures.


Ireland’s referendum vote to legalize abortion soils the very foundations of human dignity upon which its democracy rides.


The “hell no” caucus may need a new nickname. The faction of conservatives known for reflexive opposition to Speaker John Boehner’s agenda has given up — for now — its bomb-throwing tactics. Instead, as the House heads for a high-stakes vote on a fiscal 2016 budget blueprint, the group is working with leadership to get...


Over a year and a half after the infamous #Concerned1950 students made waves at the University of Missouri, the university is finally reaping the benefits of caving into the Black Lives Matter rhet


In the led segment of CBS’s 60 Minutes on Sunday, host Bill Whitaker narrated a piece praising the work of California Governor Jerry Brown in standing up to President Trump on climate change. “Our country is divided between red states and blue states, a division that has intensified since the election of President Donald Trump,” he began, noting how the blue states were part of the resistance. “Most prominently, California, the country's bluest and most populous state, led by Governor Jerry Brown.”