Mark Levin opened his show tonight reminding us of the injustice being done to Mike Flynn by Mueller and how much it has cost him, essentially leaving him broke. Levin explains the ordeal that Flyn…

Tumblr CEO on net neutrality

Submitted 10 years ago by ActRight Community

"I think a bright line rule that sort of spells out the principles that we believe in, I think the Bill of Rights is a good thing," said Tumblr founder and CEO David Karp.
Netanyahu address a joint meeting of Congress for third time, like Churchill
A new video from Al Shabaab purportedly shows the terror group calling for an attack on Mall of America, in Bloomington, Minn.
With his hysterical gotcha attacks over the use of the innocuous term "anchor baby," ABC News reporter Tom Llamas has become the left-wing network's race-baiter-in-chief this week.
A few years ago, a student came to my office in tears. Earlier in the day she?d stood in the doorway of the computer lab, telling me she didn’t think she would make it through class. Her face had been swollen and tear-stained. She was a confident young woman, so her appearance surprised me. When I expressed concern, she said she would drop by my office later. It was the last day of the spring semester. When she showed up, she told me she?d been sexually assaulted several days earlier. We?d established a good rapport over the semester, and so I did my best to console her. She seemed convinced her life had been ruined, but did not want to go to the police. A visit to a rape crisis centre had left her shaken. Her new view of herself was distressing. I?m not sure what inspired me, but I asked her how old she was. When she said 21, I asked her if she wanted to do some math. I reached for a pen ?
"Pat, sometimes it seems like our friends want me to go over the cliff with flags flying," President Reagan once told me.
Predatory government burdens the most vulnerable.
Boyert Shooting Center, with two locations in the Houston area, is having a little fun with the chain store's new rifle policy.
When is America going to get serious about the problem of white kids getting suspended from school for nothing? By now you’ve heard the story of Ahmed Mohamed, crowned by the Daily Beast “The Musli...
Sure, Mohammed Emwazi is a monster — but how did he get that way?

Internet, RIP?

Submitted 10 years ago by ActRight Community

(This refiled version of the story adds dropped letter in final paragraph)By Carey Gillam(Reuters) - Lawmakers and civil rights lawyers called on Wednesday for sweeping reforms in Ferguson, Missouri,
It took Bibi Netanyahu almost a week to apologize properly for his inflammatory comment on Israel’s election day about Arab voters “heading to the polls in droves.” But even after four and a half years, there has been no apology from Barack Obama for his inflammatory remarks just before the 2010 election, when he exhorted Latinos to generate an “upsurge in voting” in order to “punish our enemies and . . . reward our friends.” Under normal circumstances, there would be no reason to link these episodes. But the White House pointedly reproached Netanyahu for his distasteful words. “This administration is deeply concerned by divisive rhetoric that seeks to marginalize Arab-Israeli citizens,” Obama spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters the day after the election. The president himself declared in an interview that Netanyahu’s “rhetoric was contrary to what is the best of Israel’s traditions,” and warned that it “starts to erode the meaning of democracy in the country.” Fair enough — except for Obama’s egregious failure to meet his own standard.
NAACP sued the Trump administration Wednesday arguing it discriminated against black people when it announced an end to special humanitarian protections for would-be illegal immigrant Haitians who’ve stayed in the U.S. since the 2010 earthquake.
Obama issued more executive orders out of the gate as Trump, and some just as controversial.
Some Republicans are struggling to explain their shifts on national security, immigration and education.
Deloitte, hired by California, uses mostly low-paid Indian nationals, under a visa program called H-1B, to process California's unemployment claims.
A new Niskanen Center study argues 'it's all good.'
Instagram was rated the most narcissistic social media platform in a survey of 3,701 college students.
Sgt. Andrew Joseph Doiron, 31, was killed and three other soldiers wounded in "intense fighting area" with ISIL....
On Sunday, noted sports fan Hillary Clinton used the occasion of the World Cup Final to issue a tweet attacking President Trump’s loyalty to the United States:
"Obviously, I dropped the hose and ran toward...where the kids were"

The Circus of Resistance

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

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