We found out the problem!
This son of a steelworker has amassed a quiet record of ethical achievement.
Can you imagine a society where any time you say something offensive online, someone can call the cops on you and have you possibly thrown in jail for it?
In September of 1939, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain appointed Churchill as First Lord of the Admiralty for the War Cabinet.
New York (AFP) - New York's Empire State Building was lit in green late Friday to celebrate the Eid al-Fitr holiday that marks the end of Ramadan.
“Not a terrorist” cannot be our standard for potential immigrants. We need to talk about the mores, customs, and beliefs that characterize migrant groups.
A new CNN documentary about President Obama speculates that Republican opposition to the first black president’s big-government program was rooted in racial animus.
A new poll just released shows that just 35% of Alabama voters are certain that the accusations put forward by the Post against Roy Moore are true. 38% believed they werent true, and 27% were unsur…
Parents say teachers are too quick to call police to handle routine classroom behavioral issues.
More than 130,000 illegal aliens could receive driver’s licenses in Michigan if a bipartisan initiative becomes law.
Poland's conservative government is experiencing record support, despite a number of protests that have been launched by foreign-funded groups.
SWITZERLAND has won a landmark court case, which has ruled Muslim parents must send their children to mixed swimming lessons.
On this day in 1787, New Jersey became the third state to officially join the Union, following Delaware and Pennsylvania.
Earlier this month, during a judicial confirmation hearing for 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals nominee Amy Barrett, who is a Catholic law professor, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., questioned whether Barrett could be a Christian and a judge at the same time:
A pro-abortion leftist named Patrick Tomlinson posed a hypothetical on Twitter today that allegedly destroys the pro-life argument. His tweets detailing this far-fetched and absurd scenario have gone viral with many of his fellow pro-aborts sharing it and taunting the pro-life crowd.
Targets Planned Parenthood undercover video maker for raids, fossil fuel industry for retribution.
Despite all the CNN bloviating, Mainstream Media (MSM) is slowly starting to admit that the Trump White House is far more Media-Friendly than President Obama’s. 
Federal judge rules that the First Amendment prohibits the president from blocking followers based on their political views.
Social Ignorance Warriors- Bill Reader In most real-world conflicts, the key to victory lies not on a battlefield, or in any one special strategy or tactic, but inside your opponent's head. This ca...
Actor and right-wing tweeter James Woods announced early this morning that he was dropped by his talent agent Ken Kaplan yesterday, with the agent apparently citing a sense of patriotism as the rea…
Some people just can't accept reality.
This is not about whether the Constitution applies to women.
The White House pushed back on liberal outrage that the Trump administration plans to include a citizenship question on the upcoming 2020 Census, saying that question has been included on every Census since 1965 with the exception of the 2010 Census, during the Obama administration.
Conservative MPs accused Barack Obama of interfering in British politics after the US President said the UK must remain in the EU to enjoy influence on the world stage.