
Indagato per terrorismo, si è schiantato contro le barriere poste a difesa della chiesa. All’udienza ha recitato una litania in arabo. L’uomo ha 22 anni: espulso da Francia e dal questore di Cagliari, ma era ancora nel nostro Paese


In his new book, “Guilty As Sin” (Regnery), out Tuesday, Edward Klein claims officials in the Obama administration decided before the first witness was interviewed that Hillary Clinton would not fa…


Some people are under the impression that Healthline is now using the term "front hole" instead of vagina. This is simply not true.


FacebookTwitterGoogleEmailMark Levin blasted McConnell tonight article came out in Politico that explained how McConnell has worked against and ‘quarantined’ Ted Cruz from the rest of t…


American clothing company Levi Strauss & Co. announced Tuesday the launch of a new campaign aimed at preventing gun violence.


Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and the woman who accused him of sexually assaulting her will testify publicly regarding the allegation before the Senate Judiciary Committee.


A Crawford Central School Board member is facing backlash for trading insults on social media and posting critical comments about President Donald Trump, including using variations of the phrase "clean


(CNSNews.com) -- In response to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) suggestion that defunding Planned Parenthood in the health care bill dishonors God, March for Life President Jeanne Mancini said Pelosi's claims were "abhorrent" and that there "is no dignity in single-handedly silencing over 320,000 unborn voices without their consent."


Democrat John Edwards campaigned in 2008 on the theme of his 2004 Democratic National Convention speech about there being Two Americas. The American people rejected Edwards and his class warfare both times, but he had a point: There are two Americas.


Mayor: Atlanta will no longer accept ICE detainees at the city jail.


Rebutting College Humor's "Adam Ruins the Electoral College" BS: Why our constitutional republic is a perfect system. Take media back and join the Mug Club: ...


The Congressional Black Caucus is still getting up and running for the 114th Congress — it announced its staff Monday — but its new chairman sees an urgenc


Gov. Bruce Rauner and other Illinois Republicans have disavowed Jones, but have been unable to knock him off the ballot.


Islamic terror strikes Barcelona, Trump reacts, and the media continue to focus on Confederate monuments.


John McCain has been lauded for his service, but his military crusades were rooted more in rhetoric than realism. They have failed to spread democracy.


If Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh is really a rapist and sexual assailant, as Democrats claimed, shouldn't the story continue to be covered?


Donald Trump has made no secret of the fact that he intends to rip up Barack Obama's legacy when he takes office - ending the Trans-Pacific Partnership, redrawing Obamacare and loading up Guantanamo with "some bad dudes".


When trying to explain the current unrest in the Middle East, from Iraq to Syria to Yemen, American officials often resort to platitudes about Sunni and Shia Muslims fighting each other for “centuries” due to “ancient hatreds.” Not only is this claim historically inaccurate, but it also ignores the unintended consequences that...


As fellow legislators, we urge our Senate colleagues to reject her nomination.


Ari Fleischer Nails The FBI Missing Emails With An Irony Sledgehammer
Submitted 7 years ago by Blue Pill Sheep • fbi trump mueller strzok emails texts hillaryclinton presidenttrump collusion trump russia collusion bluepillsheep
After the FBI informed Congress that they’re currently unable to find five-months worth of Strzok text messages Ari Fleischer brought down the Irony hammer hard upon the FBI's head.


The White House is infuriated about an open letter to Iran penned by Senate Republicans, charging that lawmakers are butting into sensitive negotiations that are the purview of the executive branch for political gain.President Obama snarked that 'it's somewhat ironic to see some members of Congress wanting to make common cause with the hard-liners in Iran.


Syrian refugees and terror attacks have paved the way for right-wing parties and personalities to prosper. Anti-immigration, anti-EU and anti-Muslim platforms are now shaping...


This lawsuit is a little before its time.
Should assisted suicide become widely accepted in this country, activists will try to force all doctors to participate–either by doing the deed or referring to a doctor known to be willing to lethally prescribe.
But it isn’t yet, and so the pretense of the movement that they only want an itsy-bitsy, teensy-weensy change in mores and law continues as SOP.
But sometimes they show their true intentions. Thus, when UCSF oncologists refused to assist a cancer patient’s suicide, the woman died of her disease ...