The case for criminal charges against IRS officials and former IRS director Lois Lerner keeps growing.On March 24, 2014 IRS Commissioner John Koskinen testi-lied before Congress making claims that after the IRS tried and failed to recover emails from Lois Lerner’s computer hard drive have been discovered to be false by the Inspector General’s office.…
The Trump administration is the worst possible messenger. But its message is the right one.
On Friday’s Morning Joe, co-host Joe Scarborough and Washington Post columnist David Ignatius tried to explain the current anti-government protests in Iran by painting a broader picture of a “red state Iran” and a “blue state Iran.” Scarborough described “red state Iran” as a place that “wanted to keep the mullahs in charge,” whereas “[b]lue state Iran wanted to move Iran into the 20th century.”
Guest essay by Eric Worrall All the right people are complaining about President Trump?s new NASA chief Jim Bridenstine, who once demanded an apology from Obama for squandering money on clima…
Ah the 60’s, what a heady time. America was experiencing growing pains in a way she had not seen since her inception. It was a time of war, an unpopular one at that. It was a time of Americans demanding racial and gender equality. At times it was violent and ugly. It also spawned a generational gap that had never been seen before. Teenagers and college age students in the 60’s were a completely different animal than their WWII era parents. While tradition defined the greatest generation, rebellion defined their children. Those coming of age in the 60’s wanted completely different lives than their parents. Their values and beliefs were the opposite of their parents. It was practically a requirement, it was also hip and cool. Fast forward to today. Those teenagers are all grown up. And quite a few of them teach today’s teenagers and college students. And they are guilty of the very behavior of the generation that came before them. They insist that they are all for freedom of speech, equality for all, tolerance and inclusivity all around. But that is not what happens on today’s college campuses. What used to be a sacred place for the free exchange of ideas is now a repressive safe-space filled place where one had better go along with the group-think of one’s designated group. So, one had better figure out quick to which group one belongs. Are you a minority, female, gay? Shut up and think with your respective group and no one gets hurt. But there is a different group rearing its head, and the problem is, well, they appear to be free thinkers, and it does not look like they are going to reform their evil ways any time soon. We are talking about college conservatives. Go to any college campus and it’s the Conservatives who are the kooks, the freaks, the ones who just do not it in. They are insulted, if speakers they invite to campus manage to step foot on campus they are shouted down, threatened, and harassed. They are not allowed to say what they think, that is hate speech. And don’t even think about publicly supporting the political candidate of your choice. Because if it not the choice of those tolerant former flower children, it is not going to happen. So, have conservative college students become the new counter culture? Are they the new rebellion? They are certainly the underdog, and in many cases, curiosity gets the better of those want to know more about the underdogs and why they have achieved that status. Will the curious want to know what sort of values and beliefs this totally unacceptable group holds and why they hold them? Will they mull conservatism over, roll it around in their heads, even agree with it? More and more studies are showing that the generation behind Millennials is leaning more conservative in their beliefs. Will they relish the idea that they are, in a way, the odd men out? And will it make conservatism hip and cool? Maybe not right away, liberals are not about to let the cool factor of being a hippie, even an aging one, go without a fight. But maybe the fight stage is where we are now. More conservative students speak up even when they see the treatment of others like them. They are standing up and fighting “the man”. Rather ironic that liberals have become exactly what they warned each other about back in the old days. Liberals love to ramble on about revolutions and resisting. What may be on the horizon is probably not what they had in mind.
More Republicans value the Ten Commandments, even the non-religious ones.
The United States must immediately close its border for the benefit of women in nearby countries.
Charged with bribery in 1876, Secretary of War William W. Belknap became a historical footnote who’s getting a little more headline attention today.
A misplaced confidence in Keynesianism led him to be wrong about the effects of “austerity.”
The 14-year-old American who was arrested for bringing a homemade clock to school has met Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir.
Today, Hillary Clinton is slated to slam the Trump campaign’s association with the alt-right. She’s released a brutal ad preparing the groundwork: There's a reason the most hateful fringe of the right wing is supporting Donald Trump.https://t.co/AqB3DM2m0N
Opponents of the Act celebrated the "end" of Cruz's presidential aspirations.
In what may be the most shocking civil rights violation since Memories Pizza announced it would not do something for gays that it has never been asked to do, a high school student in Emmaus, Pennsylvania, was compelled to change out of yoga pants which the school deemed too revealing.The student, a physiological male who prefers to be treated as a female, was required to put on a pair of gym shorts and a polo shirt, because the principal apparently determined the clingy yoga pants displayed too vividly the form of 'her' male genitalia.
#NeverTrump Brent Bozell takes on #NeverTrump Jeff Flake. ?On behalf of my late father and my family, I am denouncing Senator Jeff Flake and his new book, dishonestly titled, Conscience of a …
A letter by GOP senators telling the Iranians that they opposed any deal that gives Iran nukes has been criticized. Dissent is no longer patriotic.
The Impact of Large-Scale Immigration on American Workers Testimony Prepared for Senate Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest March 16, 2016 by Steven A. C
The seemingly obvious discrimination with which Asian-American university applicants suffer is apparently of no interest to the political left.
My generation willfully ignores the real debate about gay rights and religious freedom because we want halos without sacrifice.
'What you're saying is you don't really know what you're talking about'
While traveling recently, I stopped for lunch with a new relative in her mid sixties who recently married into my family. From across the table, the woman, who had met me twice before, learned that I worked for a pro-life organization and began to tell me of how, decades ago, she’d placed her newborn son for adoption. And then she told me about how her mother tried to force her to abort him and almost succeeded. Although some within the abortion industry acknowledge the problem of coerced abortion, abortion supporters downplay the scope of the problem by focusing almost exclusively on women who face pressure not to abort ...
Massive Pentagon Child Pornography Accusations Not Investigated 2011-01-06, CNN http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1101/06/acd.02.html The Pentagon porn ...
He's been consistent where other candidates haven't.
The ISIS-inspired attack thwarted Tuesday was not the first time Pope Francis has been targeted by extremists.
Oregon House Democrats pull their support from Bend legislative candidate citing unspecified allegations.
Outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said Wednesday that he "did what was necessary" in 2012 when he falsely accused Mitt Romney of not having paid his taxes for 10 years. Reid was asked abou