
Obamagate is here. And Mark Levin is on the case. First on his Thursday radio show and then in his appearance on Fox and Friends over the weekend, Mark laid out in chapter and verse the mainstream media’s own reporting that the Obama administration was responsible for using government agencies to?


Members of the field are overwhelmingly liberal. Unsurprisingly, few see that as a problem.


Darrel Nelson and stepmother and Moore accuser Beverly Young Nelson On Monday Beverly Young Nelson, 56, held a press conference in New York City with embattled attorney Gloria Allred alleging Judge Roy Moore sexually harassed her when she was 16 years old. According to Beverly Young Nelson’s account reported by the Washington Examiner, “Moore offered ?


Donald Trump is the man Americans have chosen as their vehicle for the dramatic change they demand from Washington and rejected Obama's hope and change.


According to an FEC filing, the Trump campaign paid Sebastian Gorka for "policy consulting."


Ahead of a major gathering of Republican presidential hopefuls in New Hampshire later this week, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has put some distance between himself and the rest of the field, leading by 10 points against his nearest competitor in a new poll on the Granite State.


Russian 'Escort' Says She Has Goods On Trump Collusion And Will Provide To FBI...For A Get Out Of Jail Free Card. 'Oligarch Pick-Up Artist' In Thai Prison On Sex-Training Charges.


Democratic congressional Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defended banning press from a public town hall this week, saying the move was meant to protect residents of vulnerable communities.


As America became a nation where a large percentage of babies were born out of wedlock and on Medicaid, it also became a nation where millions of babies were not allowed to be born at all.


This is an example of how every little thing a Republican says, no matter how insignificant or authentic, will be attacked by the media and used as an example of how STUPID and ABSURD they are. In ...


On Friday, Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi asked the question “A briefing room clash may be good TV, but is it good journalism?” The Post mostly answered “yes,” and Farhi never compared today’s clashes to anything that happened under Barack Obama. The journalists who badgered Trump aide Stephen Miller “say they have no regrets for aggressively seeking answers,” Farhi reported. Jim Acosta boasted “As my mother told me recently, ‘Let other people be the wallflower,’....If quoting from the Statue of Liberty is pushing too hard, I’m going to keep pushing.”


Kevin de León, leader of the Democrat-controlled California Senate, says he is preparing to battle President-elect Donald Trump on immigration. CNN's Kyung L...


Opinion says Whitaker pick consistent with federal law, historical practice


3-D Printed guns are here, and despite what some anti-gunners are trying to do, they?re never going to go away. At best, the law will make it so only criminals use them, but they?re not about to disappear. Over at Vice?s Motherboard, they point out that all the bruhaha over 3-D printed guns is only making ?


A student-led conservative activism group's new charter on the campus of Santa Clara University has sent several left-leaning students and some professors into a massive fit of outrage. The Santa


Kathleen Matthews, Marriott International’s executive vice president and chief global communications and public affairs officer, and wife of MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, is planning to run for the seat of Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.). Van Hollen announced Wednesday that he’ll seek the seat being vacated by Sen. Barbara Mikulski. A longtime...


Guest essay by Eric Worrall A team of scientists appointed by the United Nations has reported that a free market system cannot provide the economic transition required to defeat climate change. Sci…


Alt-right white nationalist David Duke attacked both President Trump and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe after white nationalists turned violent at a Virginia rally Saturday.


BUSINESSES marking the coming Chinese Year of the Dog in Malaysia have stopped displaying images of canines on their decorations and souvenirs over fears it will upset Muslims who live in the country and consider the animals unclean.


Rapper Azealia Banks endorsed Donald Trump in a series of tweets on Sunday. WOW! Right, black folk having been voting ...


Republican presidential candidate and Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal announced Monday that he was ending his state's funding of Planned Parenthood.


His writings should serve as a beacon to all Americans who believe in the conservative cause in 2018.