State Department cybersecurity source says Clinton aides ignored concerns
Officially, Martin OâMalley is still merely considering a Presidential bid. But his travel schedule suggests otherwise.
Former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan wants you to eat more insects. Why? It’s better for the environment and your health, he argues.
To default on a loan because you do not wish to pay it back is theft, in this case theft from all of us, since the federal government is on the hook for the loans in question.
Rice served under two presidents and was thrust into the limelight after four Americans died in Benghazi.
Decades of mass immigration to the U.S. is the world's "largest anti-poverty program" at the expense of American workers and middle class.
The orders are expected to address lobbying restrictions, ISIS and the National Security Council.
Abortion conglomerate Planned Parenthood has moved beyond the bumper sticker trade and into the license plate trade.
Police are investigating the shooting of nine African Americans at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston as a hate crime committed by a white man. Unfortunately, it’s not a unique event in American history. Black churches have long been a target of white supremacists who burned and bombed them in an effort to terrorise the black communities that those churches anchored. One of the most egregious terrorist acts in US history was committed against a black church in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1963. Four girls were killed when members of the KKK bombed the 16th Street Baptist Church, a tragedy that ignited the Civil Rights Movement.
Chipotle is reconsidering its decision to fire a St. Paul restaurant manager for not serving five black men and asking them to prove they could pay before taking their order last week.
Former Clinton Spokesman Calls for Dems to Walk Out of Kavanaugh Hearing - Lauretta Brown: Brian Fallon, a spokesman for Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential campaign, .09/04/2018 18:55:53PM EST.
The presidentâs senior adviser and confidante on immigration, working with Republicans and whether sheâs the Democratic Dick Cheney.
IRS Commissioner John Koskinen has confirmed to Congress that illegal immigrants granted amnesty under President Obama’s new programs could claim back-refunds even when they never filed returns to pay their taxes in the first place.
WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: CCTV footage from the border between Morocco and the Spanish enclave of Ceuta shows migrants storming through a checkpoint as guards try in vain to stop them.
President Barack Obama responded to the horrific shooting at a historically black church in Charleston that left nine dead with an earnest statement—well, other than that contention that was completely untrue.
Attkisson: Illegal Immigrant Crime 'Self-Censored' By Media, Most Would Be 'Surprised' At How Large Problem Is
Join the Mug Club: http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub No, "Hate speech" does NOT exist. It's absolutely incompatible with our First Amendment and thats by ...
Despite what the mainstream media would have you believe, the political Left is increasingly turning to violence to get their way. Why is this?
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“Kanye is getting kind of political.”
President-elect of the United States of America Donald J. Trump praised the Breitbart News Network in an interview with the New York Times on Tuesday, saying this outlet is “quite successful” according to a transcript of his quote released by that outlet’s media reporter Michael Grynbaum.
Three days before the Federal Communications Commission is scheduled to vote on the most significant Internet regulations in history, two commissioners are
President Trump’s upcoming summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin will take place in Helsinki, Finland on July 16, the White House announced Thursday.