Donald Trump Jr. scooped The New York Times Tuesday morning by tweeting out the email chain that has been the subject of three stories suggesting he knew that a meeting with a Russian attorney was par
Rep. Love rejects Mrs. Obama's notions.
Although the press has not had access to the entire agreement, including secret side deals, it seems that Russia will now be unrestrained to harvest the Iranian arms market.
Feminist Camille Paglia ripped Hillary Clinton, calling her 'soulless' and 'incompetent' in a recent interview.
Tax Reform 2.0 legislation includes changes to the individual income tax, including the standard deduction and child tax credit, & pass-through businesses.
Wikileaks released another 2,000 Podesta emails on Thursday morning. This was the group’s 5th release on the Podesta emails. The ...
Who leads the party post-Clinton and post-Obama?
American factory activity in August expanded at the strongest pace in more than 14 years, despite rising tensions with some of the U.S.’s largest trade partners.
New evidence shows some messages might have been lost because the former secretary of state used a private account to conduct state business.
President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama flew to Los Angeles on Thursday for TV appearances but took separate flights, collectively costing taxpayers at least at $1 million.
CA Gov Brown’s Climate Warning: ‘We are Talking About Extinction’
Even as the White House ramps up pressure on Congress to stay out of its negotiations with Iran on a nuclear agreement, Republicans are on the brink of veto-proof majorities for legislation that could undercut any deal. And that support has held up even after the uproar last week over the GOP’s letter to Iranian leaders warning against an agreement....
President's smoking more likely to cause daughter's health problem than climate change.
Actor James Woods took great exception to the film, ?First Man,? which portrays the moon landing, because the scene where astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planted an American flag on the lunar surface was not included. Ryan Gosling, the Canadian actor who plays Armstrong, told the Telegraph the scene was intentionally left out it “transcended countries and ?
Voters overwhelmingly approved Jessica’s Law on the November 2006 ballot. Today, the California Supreme Court substituted the opinion of the court over the will of the people. The court’s decision strikes down mandatory residency restrictions on San Diego County sex offenders under Jessica’s Law and would allow a child molester to live across the street from a school or park where children gather. It puts San Diego families at risk and sets a dangerous precedent for the rest of the state. My wife, former Senator Sharon Runner, and I are the authors of Proposition 83, otherwise known as Jessica’s Law. In addition to mandatory residency restrictions for sex offenders, the law includes many important public safety reforms such as strengthened sexually violent predator laws and increased parole terms. The California Supreme Court’s decision only relates to the residency requirements in Jessica’s Law. Knowing sex offenders might challenge Jessica’s [...]
When Joy Reid and Rosie team up you know it's gonna be stupid.
The universities, under the banner of hollow diversity and the even more hollow and self-contradictory banner of tolerance, are mutating into thought-suppressing machines.
Ted Cruz’s announcement this week that he’s running for president has officially kicked off the 2016 primary season and has put the pressure on other potential GOP candidates to declare. On the Democratic side of the scrum there is Elizabeth Warren, whom progressives hope is the candidate-in-waiting to lead their pitchfork brigade against the “1 percent.” While it’s still unclear whether Mrs. Warren will announce, it’s assured that her income inequality position will drive a major plank in the eventual Democratic nominee’s platform.
Lambasts Trump for saying Muslims hide radicalised individual in their community from authorities.
Your toddler is racist! Or afraid of strangers. Either/or.
Rep. Steve King, an influential Republican from Iowa, said Monday he believes Donald Trump is leading the GOP on the contentious issue of immigration.

John McCain: Senator, Patriot, Hero

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

John McCain represents a high standard, a standard that should be our goal, and we should thank him for setting it. Rest in peace.
DENVER (AP) — Like many sojourners to this country, Alejandro Fuentes Mena lives with uncertainty as U.S. immigration policy is debated in the courts, Congress and the White House. But as he awaits a final ruling on his…