“I like Jeb,” Trump said. “He's a nice man. But he should really set the example by speaking English while in the United States.”
Air Date: March 19th, 2015 This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fa...
One Million Moms asks for your help in getting "Family of the Year" cancelled. Don't be fooled by the show's title.
Seattle Mayor Ed Murray on Saturday announced his decision to prohibit the use of city funds for travel by all city employees on city business to the State of Indiana after the passage of S.B. 101.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes is seriously considering compiling a ?warts and all,? report detailing alleged corruption at the FBI. Newsmax reports: Such a report would focus on the conduct of FBI officials during the probe into Russia’s meddling in last year’s American presidential election, according to people familiar with the plans. This comes ?
During Monday's The Ed Show, Ed Schultz had on Ryan Anderson from The Heritage Foundation to discuss the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Right off the bat, Schultz attempted to push ...
A Senate committee heard testimony from an Army officer and federal civilians who reported suffering reprisals after their disclosures about problems in their agencies.
The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) has accelerated its demolition and looting of antiquities in Syria, reports The New York Times (NYT).
Oregon's new law requires insurance companies to pay in full for all abortions ...
A bipartisan group of senators is seeking a federal probe into reports that U.S. companies are laying off thousands of American workers and replacing them with foreign labor – even forcing them to train their replacements, in what one anonymous whistleblower called a “humiliating” experience.
Raoul Peck, the director of the new film, The Young Karl Marx, acclaimed the 19th-century radical leftist on Sunday's All Things Considered on NPR: "Today, his [Marx's] analyses are even more urgent and necessary than before." Anchor Sarah McCammon pointed out, "But hasn't this been tried before many times? I mean, Marx's ideas pervaded, for instance, the Soviet Union." Peck denied this historic reality: "It did not influence the Soviet Union. Marx and Engels would have probably been the first one to be shot....this incredible monster that was fabricated after the Russian Revolution has nothing to do with their ideas."

Finding the Great Republican Hope

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The GOP can’t win in 2016 by thinking inside the box. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online The usual criteria for political success — plenty of New York and Washington IOUs, youthful vi...
And the bottom 20%? They get paid by Uncle Sam. We compare tax burdens as Tax Day approaches.
#TheRefinery crew talks about Indiana's "Religious Freedom Restoration Act", the backlash it's generated, and how we should message the issue going forward. ...
At one point in President Obama's interview with ABC News that aired over the weekend, George Stephanopoulos noted that "the Democratic Party got pretty hollowed out on your watch, about 1,000 seats lost in the Congress, Senate, governors, state houses." Then he asked: "Is that o
In a complaint against the state, worker says he was accused of violating policy and instructed to get a mental health evaluation after mentioning climate change
Likely 2016 presidential candidate Scott Walker is headed to the Texas-Mexico border on Friday, and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott will be there to show him the ropes.       
To the editor: So now we have two election losers, Jill Stein of the Green Party and Democrat Hillary Clinton , resorting to a recount in Wisconsin. This will not change the outcome of the election. (“ There are plenty of things to object to about the election. It being ‘rigged’ isn’t one of them ,” editorial, Nov. 29)
US president-elect Donald Trump taunts new Celebrity Apprentice host Arnold Schwarzenegger over the show's ratings.
Years ago, Saul Alinsky outlined eight steps that need to occur to bring about a socialist society. Presently, we're well on our way there.
Bernie Sanders: Democrats Lost Elections Because They Focused On “Liberal Elite,” Not Working Class (November 13, 2016)
Delbra Adams, Roy Moore’s former secretary and judicial assistant, says she never saw or experienced any inappropriate conduct toward women.
An 80 percent Muslim town in a remote part of India has been rechristened "Trump Village," reports say.